Q and A


How many tests are needed to know if a baby is negative?



This is likely to be different in different countries and also depending on the risk to the baby

In the UK the baby is tested at birth, 6 weeks and 12 weeks using a test similar to viral load. The test name is HIV DNA PCR. If these tests are negative and the baby has not further risk, then the baby does not have HIV.

HIV antibody tests are not used because a baby keeps the mother’s antibodies for the first 18-24 months. So testing positive using an antibody test doesn’t mean anything until 18 to 24 months old.

Please ask your doctor about how this is tested in your country.

hi how many test should be taken of a child to know that she is still HIV negative


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Zee, if this was a rapid test then a second test at the laboratory is needed to confirm the result. If the second test have already been done, then these results are likely to be accurate.

  2. Zee

    Hi Im 4month pregnant n tested positive, is it possible to be negative when I test again, I’m worried

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Precious,

    Please see the above post, it explains testing in babies.

  4. Precious

    Hi doctor
    I tested postive when my son was 6 months old and requested PCR test,it came back negative and they said he will be tested again at 18/12 but I only breastfed for 2 days after delivery and tested negative for two times during my pregnancy.Is there any possibility that the results may be positive in future,plz help I’m worried.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Milly,

    When did you start nevirapine? Are you taking anything else? And do you know what your CD4 count is?

    False positives can happen. However, if you’re being given meds, then your doctors must think you’re positive. If you are unsure, then you can always re-test.

  6. milly

    I’m HIV positive, after the first test they give me nevirapine. Is it possible for a second test to be negative?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sibongile,

    Because you are on treatment, and because your daughter is on treatment, she should be ok. This is even if she has come into contact with a small amount of blood from your pimple.If breast feeding is causing you problems, could you bottle feed?

  8. sibongile

    Hi doc I’m hiv+ and I’m taking a long life treatment. They gave my baby nvp for 6 weeks and they done some test after few days when she was born and she is negative. I’m sooo worried because I’m breastfeeding her and I’ve got a pimple on my nipple when I’m feeding the pimple comes out blood do you think she will be infected too.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Nolungile, this all sounds like good results. Different tests are used in different countries. If your child has already tested negative after 2 years there is no need to test him again.

  10. Nolungile

    Hi I’m worried I’ve done only 1 test after labour. Then they said my baby is safe. They gave me nevarapine I gave him as directed when I take my Art’s as usually as nd i was not breastfeeding they use ceasorian section to protect him but I didn’t check him again now he is turning 4yrs. What must I do?


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