Q and A


How many tests are needed to know if a baby is negative?



This is likely to be different in different countries and also depending on the risk to the baby

In the UK the baby is tested at birth, 6 weeks and 12 weeks using a test similar to viral load. The test name is HIV DNA PCR. If these tests are negative and the baby has not further risk, then the baby does not have HIV.

HIV antibody tests are not used because a baby keeps the mother’s antibodies for the first 18-24 months. So testing positive using an antibody test doesn’t mean anything until 18 to 24 months old.

Please ask your doctor about how this is tested in your country.

hi how many test should be taken of a child to know that she is still HIV negative


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sharon, It’s good that you started treatment and, now your baby is born, it’s great he has tested negative. But we are not doctors. So it’s important that you take the baby to the doctor so that his swelling can be looked at. You can ask the doctor what’s causing it.

  2. Sharon

    Hi, Please help me i started my medication when was 6 month pregnant. They tested my baby after birth. It was negative and he tested at 10weeks it was negative. But now he is developing some swelling like pimple. It goes and come. I’m worried coz they keep saying it a mosquito. But I don’t believe..there is any.chance that he my be infected ? He is 11months.

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Hlengiwe, This does sound confusing. In the UK your baby is tested on the day she or he is born. Then tested again after six weeks and also at 3 months. This test looks for HIV in your baby’s blood, and after 3 months can confirm that your baby is HIV negative. This is the case if you are not breastfeeding your baby.
    Did the clinic test your baby at six weeks old? You can ask them to do this now if they didn’t. You can read more about this in the guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health.

  4. Hlengiwe

    My baby tested from birth because I’m positive and I was taking my medication then they said I will get the results after six weeks but when I go to fetch them,they didn’t find the results and they continued to give the baby neviripine. So question is:Is it still right for the baby to continue with neviripine even if its over six weeks since they told me that he will take it for six weeks? Pls I’m confused now.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thandazo,

    Its very possible that this can happen, this is due to the antibodies that babies have from their mothers. One test however doesn’t mean that they will be positive. If they’ve been taking medication and not been exposed to HIV post delivery, then the chances of them being positive are low.

  6. thandazo

    Hy is it possible for a bby to test HIV negative at the ege of 3 and after a months test positive maybe the virus hide some where.

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zitha,
    You can find all questions and answers about testing and treatment are here.

  8. Zitha

    How many tests needed to be done to ensure that am hiv negative

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Matie,

    All children who are born to HIV positive mothers need to take medication, this is even if they give their babies formula.

  10. Maite

    Hi.if I resort to feeding my child formula from birth do they still need to take meds for the first 6 weeks.


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