Q and A


How many tests are needed to know if a baby is negative?



This is likely to be different in different countries and also depending on the risk to the baby

In the UK the baby is tested at birth, 6 weeks and 12 weeks using a test similar to viral load. The test name is HIV DNA PCR. If these tests are negative and the baby has not further risk, then the baby does not have HIV.

HIV antibody tests are not used because a baby keeps the mother’s antibodies for the first 18-24 months. So testing positive using an antibody test doesn’t mean anything until 18 to 24 months old.

Please ask your doctor about how this is tested in your country.

hi how many test should be taken of a child to know that she is still HIV negative


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Neziwe,

    Testing in babies is slightly more complicated than it is in adults, as the following explains:


    Do you know what test they used? When you gave birth were you on medication? Was your viral load undetectable? Have they said when you’ll get the next results?

  2. Neziwe

    My name is Asanda I’m HIV positive I gave birth to a HIV negative baby and I never breast feed and I gave her all the meds they gave me to give but when the where testing her for 10weeks the results came back positive they did another test I am worried do u think these a mistake

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lundi,

    If the baby isn’t gaining weight, she will need to see a doctor. Info about testing in babies can be found here:


  4. Lundi

    Am Lundi am an aunt to my sister’s baby who was hiv positive, her daughter birth pcr was negative ,then at 6 weeks she tested again and was negative am scared she’s eating but not gaining weight well should we go testing again

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Refilwe, Two previous tests were negative, it sounds like this month’s test is nothing to be scared about. You can read more here. But can you contact the clinic and talk to them about your worries? You can also contact Treatment Action Campaign, they might be able to offer you support.

  6. Refilwe

    Hi my name is Refilwe on the 30 of April 2018 I am going to the clinic for my son 18 month HIV test but both tests were negative. I am scared please advise me.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Puleng,

    I can’t say if your daughter is going to be OK or not, it is however very possible that she’ll test negative. Please see here for more info:


  8. Puleng

    Hi Im worried today my daughter tested positive she is 14 weeks old however after birth she had tested negative. My VL is 40 they dont have an explaination as to how my baby may have gotten it They drew bloods again today just to make sure. Im soo worried cause i did everything possible to try and protect her. Have been giving her meds as instructed and I have been taking mine Should i be worried

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cloe,

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter.

    To know if she’s positive or not you’ll need to have her tested. Is this something that was discussed with you by your doctor or nurse?

  10. Cloe

    I’m HIV positive n feeding,my baby is 3 week’s old and I’m giving her nevirapine ,is it possible that she is HIV positive too?


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