Q and A


How many tests are needed to know if a baby is negative?



This is likely to be different in different countries and also depending on the risk to the baby

In the UK the baby is tested at birth, 6 weeks and 12 weeks using a test similar to viral load. The test name is HIV DNA PCR. If these tests are negative and the baby has not further risk, then the baby does not have HIV.

HIV antibody tests are not used because a baby keeps the mother’s antibodies for the first 18-24 months. So testing positive using an antibody test doesn’t mean anything until 18 to 24 months old.

Please ask your doctor about how this is tested in your country.

hi how many test should be taken of a child to know that she is still HIV negative


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Madonzela,

    I can’t say how this is going to affect her results, so like other babies she’ll need to be tested. If you’re no longer breastfeeding then no the baby shouldn’t need nevirapine. However before stopping please talk to the babies doctor about this.

  2. Madonzela

    Hey, my baby is a month old and for some reason i got caught up in a situation were i was breastfeeding and formula feeding her. But ofcourse i stopped and now she’ s only formula feeding how is that going to affect her results and should i continue to give her nevirapine even when i have stopped breastfeeding

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Benson.

    Its not possible for a child to be positive if their mothers are negative. Can you please confirm that the mother is negative. Also is there a reason why an 11 month old child is having a HIV test?

  4. Benson


    My child was born negative and the mother is negative and me as well. His 11months now he did the HIV test and it came out positive how is that possible?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sheron.

    No this won’t affect your babies results. However babies this young don’t need to be given solids until they are around 6 months old.

  6. sheron

    good day

    my baby tested negetive at 6week, and I was only told after that she is not suppose to eat anythng like cerelec,purity ect..

    now she have to go again for a test when she is 6 months, she was eating cerelac already will that affects the result

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Emkay.

    If your child was negative at 18 months then this means that she will be negative.

  8. Emkay

    hey, i was pennant and i have always been negative.i tested when my child was born and me too, it was still negative until 12 months.i met a guy and i was still breastfeeding.for 6 months after 12 months on our last test. my child was 18 months and she tested negative and i tested positive. i stooped breastfeeding immediately. my CD4 was found on 208 and I’m still shocked. will my child remain negative? how many test should we do to be sure that she was not inf anted

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lebo,

    Its not possible for me nor anyone else to say what your babies test results will be when they are 18 months old. However, your baby testing negative is a really good sign.

  10. Lebo

    I was HIV negetive during pregnancy and at until my baby was 9 months old. When he was 12 months old i tested positive. They did a pcr test on him n his results were negetive. I stopped breastfeeding him immediately. Is it possible for him to test positive at 18 month?


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