
I’ve HIV and just had a baby, should I use formula?

hi. I’m hiv positive and have given birth 5days ago. I’m currently on tribuss and undetectable. My family is too judgemental so i have not told anyone about my status. I’m feeding my baby formula but the problem is she has not pooped for 2days now and my family keeps on saying its because of formula i should breastfeed. I want to know if it is still safe for me to breastfeed even if i started by giving formula.


Congratulations on the birth of your child.

I appreciate that it can be hard to tell people about your status. You may also feel under more pressure because of having a baby. Because you are on treatment, how you choose to feed your child is your decision. The following though may help:

With regards to your baby pooing, this is normal in newborns. If however, you are concerned please talk to a doctor.

Good luck.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Bohale, please continue with any medicines, including nevirapine. Please use these as your doctor prescribed. They are to protect your baby after the pregnancy and birth. They are needed however you feed your baby.

  2. Bohlale

    Hey my baby is 3 weeks old want to switch to formula so wanna know if should I continue giving her neverapine even if she’s on formula

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Lindi, thanks – and congratulations on your new baby. This must be an exciting time. So long as your viral load is undetectable, it should be okay to switch between formula and breast milk.

    In some countries formular feed is recommended and in other countries breastfeeding is better. This relates to the risk of other infections in that country and whether it is easy to make sure formula milk is sterile.

    Mixing formula and breast feeding did not used to be recommended. But in countries where breastfeeding is first choice, switching from formula milk now will be okay so long as your viral load is undetectable.

  4. Lindi

    My baby is 2 weeks 3 days old and I hav been giving her formula milk. I started arvs at 34 weeks pregnant n she is on nvp. Formula milk is giving her constipation problems, is it safe to start breastfeeding her from now on wards?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Lungy, we always recommend speaking to a doctor whenever a baby has health issues. I don’t know anything about giving a baby an enema. Is sounds like a good idea to get advice asap.

  6. Lungy

    Hi my baby was eating nan optipro and she was too conspited I changed her to lactogen she is still conspited is it safe to use 10 ml pure water enema to help her poop. She’s on nvp and she’s 2 weeks old.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pee, congratulations on your baby. Can I ask why you are not taking medication? This is the best way to keep both you and baby healthy. This is a link to starting ART:

    It is great that baby is on Nevirapine. This will help keep baby safe. Is the other medication Zidovudine? or possibly another called Septrin?

    How have you been feeding baby so far? While you are not on medication, it is possible baby will be given a longer course of Nevirapine while you are breastfeeding, or if you choose to use formula they will not be on Nevirapine as long but you will not be able to breast feed at all. Mixed feeding increases the risk of transmission:

  8. Pee

    Hello just had a baby and l hve jus tested hiv and am.not using any treatment but my baby was given nerverapine syrup and another one forgot the name so can l breastfeed her or l should use formula she is 6 days old

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Violet, constipation will not be a risk for your baby having HIV. Has your baby passed any poo yet? In the UK it is not recommended that you give your baby Phipp’s without speaking to a doctor. This is particularly important if they are still on any HIV medication.

  10. violet

    hi does can constipation cause my baby to be positive and am feeding my 1 month baby s26 gold and i just notice that its has cows milk and soy and my baby is too constipated should i continue with the formula or i should change it plz help am hapless ND worried about my baby and as for constipation can i give my baby phipps milk of magnesia for soothing relies


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