
How long will I live if I start ARVs on a CD4 count of 500?

I tested hiv positive after three month of sex exposure with sex worker. My viral load and cd4 counts results yet to come, and here in nepal HAART service is not available. What is my life expectancy if I start ART treatment when my cd4 count just below 500.


Thanks for getting in touch.

How are you coping with your diagnoses? Are you able to get any support? Do you know when you’ll get your CD4 and Viral load results?

ART if taken as prescribed is a very effective treatment. And this includes when started on a very low CD4 count. Which 500 is not.

So long as you start treatment before your CD4 count drops below 350 your life expectancy is very good, similar to somebody who is not HIV positive.

There are lots of previous questions about life expectancy here.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Arindam,

    Yes you can have a healthy life. The important thing is to take ARVs and to adhere to them. Please see Q10 here:

  2. Arindam

    my cd4 is 636 and i m hiv positive since may 2019…can i have healthy life???


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