Q and A


How can I decrease my viral load?

hi my question is that I found out I am hiv positive and my c4 was 64 and am now on treatment. The last time Ii do my varal load was more than 3000, they asked me to do it again this month. I’m stressed to much and that makes me scared. What can I used to boost my viral load? I don’t have a problem with my treatment my problem is the stress I have.


Thanks for getting in touch.

What was your viral load when you were diagnosed? How long have you been on treatment? Has your CD4 increased since you started meds?

I appreciate that you are concerned that your viral load is not undetectable. It is though still low, and will continue to go down if you take your meds. It can take up to six months to become undetectable. It is taking your meds that will decrease your viral load, and nothing else.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Rori,

    How long have you been taking ARVs?

  2. Rori

    hi in on arvs but my viral load is very high 61000 I’m taking my meds daily correctly what can be the cause

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Karabo,

    What does the doctor say about this result? If your viral load was 30 but has now gone up to 9500 it looks as though your meds are not working well.

    What HIV meds are you taking and how long have you been on HIV treatment (ART)?

    Please talk to your doctor and ask if this report is correct. You can ask for a resistance test too. This can check whether you need to switch to other meds.

  4. karabo

    hi ive been taking my meds the last test which i did was at 30 today i went my load is at9500 whats the cause and how can i decrease my load

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Petronella,

    Unfortunately the only way to reduce your viral load is to start HIV treatment (ART). Food can not reduce your viral load. Do you have access to ART where you live?

    If you are already on ART please let us know what meds you’re taking, and your CD4 and viral load results.

  6. Petronella

    What food is recommended to reduce viral load?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Amanda,

    Your VL result could have been given to you as a Log value. If the result is 0.6 log in means 4 copies/mL. So your viral load is under 50 copies/mL and undetectable already. Please see the Log conversion table here.

    But you can check with the doctor and confirm this. Do you have access to your CD4 count too?

  8. Amanda

    Hi my Name is Amanda I want to know that is there any thing that can help me to decrease my Vl. Right its 0.600 copies please help I want to be undetectable

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Overton.

    There won’t be any risk to your wife because your viral load is basically undetectable. Please see here: http://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  10. Overton

    Hello! I have been on ART since 2016, my current viral load is 53, considering that I just got married to my lovely wife, my concern is that will she get HIV if we have unprotected sex with my current viral load?


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