Q and A


How can I decrease my viral load?

hi my question is that I found out I am hiv positive and my c4 was 64 and am now on treatment. The last time Ii do my varal load was more than 3000, they asked me to do it again this month. I’m stressed to much and that makes me scared. What can I used to boost my viral load? I don’t have a problem with my treatment my problem is the stress I have.


Thanks for getting in touch.

What was your viral load when you were diagnosed? How long have you been on treatment? Has your CD4 increased since you started meds?

I appreciate that you are concerned that your viral load is not undetectable. It is though still low, and will continue to go down if you take your meds. It can take up to six months to become undetectable. It is taking your meds that will decrease your viral load, and nothing else.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thandeka.

    If you’ve been taking your meds as prescribed, then it’s possible that this is a lab error. However, to know for sure you’re going to need to have your viral load monitored. If it goes up any further, this would indicate that the meds aren’t working like they should do. This is something that will need to be discussed with your doctor.

  2. Thandeka

    Hi my name Thandeka I have a problem my viral load last year December was 20 nw am 380 what I do wrong plz help am so stressed

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pri,

    What’s your viral load history?

  4. Pri

    Halow what is the course of the viral load going down then up again n down, hence mads are being taken correctly .

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nokwanda,

    I’m sorry that you’re stressed. But if your viral load is going up and is now 994 it sounds like a good idea to switch treatment. That’s because your treatment looks like it hasn’t been working well.

    What HIV meds have you been taking? And what HIV meds are you going to switch to? Please tell us more.

    And if you have access to your CD4 count, please let us know the latest results.

  6. Nokwanda

    Hi I have a problem my viral load is increasing every Time and now is 994 and I am worried because the doctor said is gowing to change my medication take 2 tablet at the morning and after noon and that is 3 at the morning and 2at afternoon what worie me what the side effects what if it shape my body m just stressed because I am taking my medication in time

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nontle,

    What do you mean your blood sample has been rejected? Also as long as you’ve not had any issues with your meds, then there’s no reason why your viral load should rebound.

  8. Nontle

    What makes blood samples to be rejected…I’m so stressed…and I’m worried that this can affect my viral load

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Felicia,

    Are you on medication, so ARVs? If you’re on medication, how long have you been on it for?

  10. Felicia

    Hi am Felicia and my viral load is 18880
    What must cause this,and what should I
    Do to Decrease my viral load
    Each an every time I think of it I become so sick n feeling dizzy can anyone help me please


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