Q and A


How can I decrease my viral load?

hi my question is that I found out I am hiv positive and my c4 was 64 and am now on treatment. The last time Ii do my varal load was more than 3000, they asked me to do it again this month. I’m stressed to much and that makes me scared. What can I used to boost my viral load? I don’t have a problem with my treatment my problem is the stress I have.


Thanks for getting in touch.

What was your viral load when you were diagnosed? How long have you been on treatment? Has your CD4 increased since you started meds?

I appreciate that you are concerned that your viral load is not undetectable. It is though still low, and will continue to go down if you take your meds. It can take up to six months to become undetectable. It is taking your meds that will decrease your viral load, and nothing else.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Good afternoon Nonhlanhla,
    It sounds like your treatment isn’t working unfortunately. So it’s important that you talk to the doctor about switching to another treatment. It’s a good idea to ask them for a drug resistance test so that you know what new treatment might be best for you.

  2. Nonhlanhla


    What must i do if my viral load is too high, i was start the treatment since 2012 till to date and my viral load is 64000 and I’m also stress to much because i eat treatment properly and i lost weight everyday. So would you please advise me which product may i use to decrease my viral load.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi kedibone,

    Are you on treatment? How long have you been on treatment for?

  4. kedibone

    hi if viral load is 85 it is normal??

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Divya,

    Yes this is a standard combination, and is commonly used by many people globally.

  6. Divya

    Efaviren600mg/lamivudine 300mg/tenofovir disoproxil fuarate 300mg
    All are in one tablet which i am taking is this a standard treatment

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Thanks Divya,
    Standard HIV treatment usually has three or more drugs in it. Is there a reason why you are taking just two? It’s important to get in touch with the doctor and ask if this is why your treatment doesn’t seem to be working. You can ask about any standard treatment that’s available for you.

  8. Divya

    I am taking
    Efavirenz 600mg/lamivudine 300mg

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Divya,
    What ART meds are you taking? It sounds like your meds are not working. It’s important that you talk to the doctor to find out why. Here is a picture that shows how ART reduces viral load and helps CD4 count to recover. You could show this to your doctor. This picture is just one of many from the guide to ART in pictures.

  10. Divya

    Hi i am on art since 3years my viral load is 6.41 and cd4 is 30. My cd4 is falling continuosly . I am very scare dont know what to do. My doctor is saying they have no information when viral low is high. They want some time to know it but i am very scared i dont think waiting is good option.


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