Q and A


Can I take headache tablets when taking atrioza?

hi I recently started arvs atrioza I want to know if I can still buy over the counter tablets for treating headaches or flu like I used to before or I should consult the doctor first if I do take over the counter tablets like aspirin will they clash with my arvs?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Advice from the Liverpool HIV interaction database- indicates that there is no drug interaction  expected when taking atrioza and aspirin. Please see:


Therefore, if you wish to take asprin when you have a headache, then you can.

If you wish to take other medications, then either ask your doctor, or get in touch with us.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thandai,

    What ARVs are you taking?

  2. Thandai

    Can I take hyospasmol if I’m hiv positive

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Candice,

    Yes it’s ok to take panado when on meds.

  4. candice

    is it ok to take panado after taking arvs

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Gertty,

    It’s okay to take Adco-Dol with Avonza. Avonza is a generic version of Atripla. However the HIV drugs interactions website says there’s a potential slight interaction. I may mean that the codeine in Adco-Dol might not work as well as it should in relieving the pain.

    Please discuss this with your doctor and ask what meds are best for you to take.

  6. gertty

    Hi is it okay to take adcodol when taking avonza?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anthony,

    When someone first starts Atripla its common that they will have a mild headache. This should go within a week or two. Please see the following links for more info: http://i-base.info/guides/starting and http://i-base.info/guides/1561

    With regards to the antidepressants, there is a potential that there could be a weak interaction between the Atripla and the sertraline. You may wish to discuss this with your doctor. https://www.hiv-druginteractions.org/downloads/ajd45jg-4er5-67oy-ur43-009ert.pdf?interaction_ids%5B%5D=67479&interaction_ids%5B%5D=76179&interaction_ids%5B%5D=76182

  8. Anthony

    Hi I have been on sertraline (antidepressant) since 2015. I started arvs (atripla generic) a week ago and have a mild headache and stiff neck for three days now. Is this normal? Should I see a doctor?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zenande,

    There is no potential interaction between amitriptyline and efavirenz and the ABC/3TC in Dumiva.

    But Migril contains ergotamine and this must not be taken with efavirenz because of risk of serious reaction.

    There is a potential reaction between high dose Bactrim and 3TC especially if you don’t have normal kidney function.

    Please talk to your about about all your meds. I might be possible to take other HIV meds with Migril, Amitriptyline and Bactrim. But it’s a good idea to check all your meds with your doctor before taking them.

    You can ask your doctor to look at this HIV drug interactions website.

  10. Zenande

    Is it okay to take migril and amitriptyline if I I on treatment like efavirends, dumiva and bactrim tablets


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