Q and A


I’m taking Atenef and having side effects, is it ok to take vitamins?

Hi i am HIV positive and have been since 2007. My CD4 count is 533 and they started me on ARV(Atenef).

It has been two weeks that i have been drinking this medication and its making me dizzy. It gives me headaches, my joints are very painful and i get very tired throughout the day.

What vitamins can I take?


Thanks for getting in touch.

The side effects that you are describing are common when starting Atenef.

They usually get easier within 2-4 weeks. If they are still difficult, then please talk to your doctor. There should be other combinations you can use.

In 2021, this includes a new combination called TLD.

For more info on Atenef,  (a generic version of Atripla) please see this link:

Vitamins are not likely to reduce side effects. Vitamins will not directly help your viral load or CD4. For a more in-depth answer on vitamins please see this link:

This answer was updated in 2021 to include information about TLD. The question was first posted in 2016.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Josh,
    Sorry, this sounds a bit tough at the moment. But in the first week or two many people get mild side effects. But these seem like they are not mild. Can you talk to the doctor about these symptoms? Your mood change symtoms sound serious. It’s a good idea to call the clinic about them soon. Here is a link to the common side effects of Atenef (Atripla).

  2. josh

    hi have started a week ago on atenef, i have read page just want to clarify is it normal to feel tierd,irritated,itchy,extreme sweting,insomnia ? also it feels like im loosing my marbels some times,paranoia, memory loss,illusions?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zandile,

    Atenef and Odimune are both generic versions of Atripla. What this means is that they contain the same compounds, so there are basically the same thing. If you change from one to the other there shouldn’t be any difference. Is there any reason why you are wanting to change?

  4. Zandile

    Hi I’m Zandile Mhlongo. I am taking Atenef I am thinking of swapping it with ODIMUNE. I have been taking Atenef for about 8 days. Can I swapp?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Lazzy, Atenef is treatment for HIV. In a few countries Atenef is used for one month only as a protection against HIV, but this is not recommended in the UK. Please speak to your doctor about this and your other symptoms.

  6. Lazzy

    I am taking atenef and I am not hiv positive, I started developing these ringworm like marks all over my body bt worse I have developed this tiny blister on my genital,on the sking and nt the glans which later multiplied to 8 blisters nxt to each other n now the formed 1 sore which is nt paining bt every morning when I wake up the sore is wet

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nomusa,

    ARVs aren’t know to cause problems or changes with a woman’s menstrual cycle. Therefore, this is something that you should talk to a doctor about if it is causing you problems.

  8. nomusa

    My periods used to be 3 days long, now they’re 9 days long. I’m on Atenef.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Xoleka,

    Please go and see a doctor. The rash might be a sign of a serious side effect.

  10. Xoleka

    I started taking anetef a week a go & my body is itching & I have white head pimples all over my body.please help


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