Q and A


I’m taking Atenef and having side effects, is it ok to take vitamins?

Hi i am HIV positive and have been since 2007. My CD4 count is 533 and they started me on ARV(Atenef).

It has been two weeks that i have been drinking this medication and its making me dizzy. It gives me headaches, my joints are very painful and i get very tired throughout the day.

What vitamins can I take?


Thanks for getting in touch.

The side effects that you are describing are common when starting Atenef.

They usually get easier within 2-4 weeks. If they are still difficult, then please talk to your doctor. There should be other combinations you can use.

In 2021, this includes a new combination called TLD.

For more info on Atenef,  (a generic version of Atripla) please see this link:

Vitamins are not likely to reduce side effects. Vitamins will not directly help your viral load or CD4. For a more in-depth answer on vitamins please see this link:

This answer was updated in 2021 to include information about TLD. The question was first posted in 2016.


  1. Rossey

    Its Obery
    I stated using anetef last ninght ,today in the morning i nearly coundnt make it to go to work ,after vomiting felt better ,but still felling dizz the whole

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nthabiseng,

    It’s good that you’ve started HIV treatment. But it’s important to see the doctor and show them the red spots. You can discuss if you’re having a mild or serious reaction to Atenef.

    If it’s a serious reaction, you should be given other HIV meds that are okay for you to take.

  3. Nthabiseng

    Hy i started taking Atenef now my body is coverd with red sports so i dont no what i shuld do please help

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jacobina,

    All of the ARVs that you’ve been taking are generic versions of Atripla. What this means is that they all contain the same compounds. Please see here: http://i-base.info/guides/1561
    Its not common to have side effects when people switch between the various generic versions of Atripla. However, this isn’t to say that it can’t happen.
    If you’re having issues with Atenef this is something that you’ll need to talk to your doctor about.

  5. jacobina

    Ive been fine since i started talking ARV s on 2015 but now they are giving us atenef and hey !! im sick, very sick.I have all funny side effects!!! but i never had problems with tribuss and atroiza.why is these happening?

  6. Ntokozo

    Thank you

    I will consult my Doctor

    God bless for making our lives easier

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ntokozo,

    The itchiness could be a reaction to the meds. Having a word with your doctor is a good thing to do. It may just be a case that you need some antihistamines.

  8. Ntokozo


    Ntokozo here

    I started using atenef a week ago, on the 4th of Feb… It was ok at first. But now my body is itchy… Not severe though..But im scared if I continue with them, the itchiness would be worse… Should I go see my Doc?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thabelo,

    If you have a rash this is something that you’ll need to discuss with a doctor. It could be a mild reaction to the meds.

  10. Thabelo

    Hi a week ago i started with arenef im also pregnant my problem is that i have develop rush on my sholder should i be worried and consult a doctor


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