Q and A


My viral load is undetectable, can I transmit HIV through oral sex?

I’ve been HIV+ for 3 years and been undetectable for 2 years. My partner is HIV-.

The last time we had sex he gave me a blow job and I returned the favor as well. I’m a bit worried I could have infected him. Is it possible even if its just a blowjob?

Thank you!


Thanks for getting in touch.

Because you have an undetectable viral load there’s no risk of you having infected your partner when he gave you a blow job. Also, because you’re undetectable if you choose to have sex without a condom the risk of transmission would be close to zero. For more info please see the results of the PARTNER study:



  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hello Laura,
    Isoprinosine (Immunovir) is used to treat genital warts and herpes. It’s an antiviral drug but it’s not used to treat HIV. So it’s not likely to make HIV undetectable.

  2. Laura


    I took isoprinosine pils for hpv.
    Like from time to time, 6pills/10days/month or at 2 months, like for an year or something. I didnt have a schedule.
    I dont have hiv, but I am wondering. Is it possible that isopronosine to make hiv undetectable? Thanks

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Tiffany,

    The mouth is generally very resistant to infection, but cuts or sores, or bleeding gums, can be an easy route for infection.

    Most cases reporting oral sex as a risk for HIV report mouth problems. Gum problems are common (perhaps in 10-50% of adults). If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth or floss this will be a route for HIV.

    But it’s good that your fiancĂ© has started HIV meds (ART). Once his viral load is undetectable the risk is dramatically reduced to zero. But it takes a few months to get to stable and undetectable on ART. You can read about undetectable = untransmittable (U=U) here.

  4. Tiffany

    Hi, My fiance and I recently found out that he is HIV+ . He has now started meds but we have been having protected sex since we found out. My problem is I have gum disease so they might be bleeding sometimes so my question is once he becomes undetectable will it be safe to give him oral sex or is there any chance I could still get the virus because of my gum disease. Please help!!

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mike,

    Laws regarding HIV disclosure vary from country to country. Where do you live?

  6. Mike

    When I am undetectable I am still legally responsible to tell a partner that I am HIV+?
    I have read that some places are considering changing the law concerning HIV+ people who are undetectable not considered as “attempted murder”.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thomas,

    When someone has an undetectable viral load its not possible to transmit HIV. Therefore you aren’t at risk. Please see here for more info:


  8. Thomas

    I have a partner that did not tell me he was positive and undetectable. We’ve had so many sexual sessions that I l have lost count . All unprotected. Can I catch this disease

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gregory,

    An undetectable viral load is when someones viral load is less than 50 copies. Once a persons viral load is undetectable the risk of transmission is close to zero. Please see here for more info:


  10. Gregory

    Hi lisa,

    Please at what point can a viral load be undetectable…i mean at what number after a test is conducted and also by an undetectable viral load can one impregnate a lady and she and the baby would still be free of HIV?


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