Q and A


I’m positive, can my partner be negative?

I am his positive. I have been having sex with my boyfriend for three years with using condoms. He was tested negative 6 months after we have had unprotected sex. Now he has not been tested after we have been having unprotected sex for twol years. My question is is it possible for him to test negative. I had a very low CD4 count, so is it possible that he is negative?


Thanks for getting in touch. Are you currently taking HIV meds?

If you are on meds and have an undetectable viral load, then the risk of transmission is close to zero. Please see the results of the PARTNER study for more info:


Please also see Q5 here:



  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Keggan,

    It is not too late for you to take PEP. Therefore if you had a risky exposure whereby you think you may have contracted HIV you will need to test.

    Please see Q1 here:


  2. Keggan

    I had an exposure five days ago, I didn’t take PrEPp due to the weekend.


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