Q and A


Are Atenef and Atroiza the same medicines?

Hi, I started treatment on the 06-June 2017 and they gave me Atenef Pills, now this month they gave me Atroiza, are they working the same, plz help m confused


Atroiza and Atenef are both generic versions of Atripla.

This means is that they both contain the same active drugs.

It is perfectly safe to use different versions of Atripla. For more info, please see here:


Other generic versions include Atenef, Atreslawin, Atroiza, Citenvir, Heftenam, Odimune, Rizene, Teevir, Trenvir, Tribuss, Triolar, Trivenz, Truno, Trustiva, Viraday and Vonavir.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dk,

    Atrozia and Atenef are both generic versions of an ARV called Atripla. What this means is that they contain the same compounds. Please see here: http://i-base.info/guides/1561 It’s common that people are given different versions of Atripla.

    The only thing that can increase your CD4 count are ARVs, therefore you don’t need the booster pills.

    As long as you take your ARVs, your HIV will be controlled.

  2. Dk

    Good day I am hiv positive I’ve been drinking Atroiza for 3 month but the doctor have changed my pill to atenef and Alison gave me pills that boost my cd4 count since is too low…must I worry much about my health

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jabu,

    Back pain when running isn’t a side effect of ARVs. Therefore,this is something that you’ll need to discuss with a doctor.

  4. Jabu

    I have been on atenef for 2months now but every time I go for a jog or run some distance I have back pains especially by my kidneys the doctor said my kidneys are ok no problem but since taking arvs I have been feeling this pain. Does anyone know of it subsides if I constantly jog

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gudilicious,

    Its very unlikely that the discharge is anything to do with your medication. This is something to discuss with a doctor as it could just be a simply infection.

  6. Gudilicious

    Hi, I discovered that am positive last month April 2019 I now have a month on treatment I started with atenef pills n now am on odimune the pink one, my problem is I always have a brown discharge almost everyday is it normal or I need to consult my doctor.

    Thank you

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sebongile,

    It sounds like you may be having an issue with the efavirenz that are in the Atenef. If this is the case you’re going to need to change to a medication that doesn’t contain efavirenz. Please see Q3: http://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions If the nurse is unhelpful, please tell her that ARVs are there to make your life easier, not worse.

  8. Sebongile

    I was taking the dirty pink pills last year but they seem to make me sick I stopped the treatment from August 2018 now I have a month taking Atenef and I suffer after effects like dizziness, headache and nausea what can I do? I am even scared to go to school alone because I am always dizzy I told the nurse she said I am going to get used to them I become worried because we are about to write exams and I can’t concentrate and I forget things at school.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Allison,

    I’m so sorry to hear your story.

    Can you talk to the doctor about this? So far, all the available evidence, over more than 25 years, shows that HIV drugs appear to be safe.

    Can you ask for help at the hospital? There should be some support and help. What country do you live in?

  10. allison

    I found on 2013 that im positive from my second born I started arv’s,from my second born I’ve been drinking these tablets after an hour drinking them I fell something burning on my chest, when I tell the sister at the clinic she said im not used,I will get used to them, after that I gave birth to a still born, at hospital they said baby was burned by tablets, I would like to know what was the really problem! Plz help!


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