Q and A


Are Atenef and Atroiza the same medicines?

Hi, I started treatment on the 06-June 2017 and they gave me Atenef Pills, now this month they gave me Atroiza, are they working the same, plz help m confused


Atroiza and Atenef are both generic versions of Atripla.

This means is that they both contain the same active drugs.

It is perfectly safe to use different versions of Atripla. For more info, please see here:


Other generic versions include Atenef, Atreslawin, Atroiza, Citenvir, Heftenam, Odimune, Rizene, Teevir, Trenvir, Tribuss, Triolar, Trivenz, Truno, Trustiva, Viraday and Vonavir.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tumza,

    Do you know why there’s been a change in medication? If you’re feeling itchy, this is something that you’ll need to talk to your doctor about. It could be due to the new meds or it could be something else.

  2. Tumza

    Can a person e given Emdolten(TLD) tablets fr hiv for two months and on third month then given Telatri ones? Cos he was much better then his body strat to itch after using Telatri

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Maria,

    I’m sorry to hear that your brother is not well. However, his symptoms are not the usual ones for side effects to Atenef. So it’s a good idea for him to see his doctor and get the symptoms checked out.

    It’s good to hear that he’s been on HIV treatment (ART) for a long time. What HIV meds did he take before Atenef?

    Your brother can also ask the doctor for his viral load results. This will show if his HIV meds are working well. The result should be less than 50 copies/mL. Especially as he’s been on treatment for a long time.

    Here’s the Introduction to ART. There’s a lot of useful info in this, so he might like to read it.

  4. Maria

    My brother he takes Atenef only a weeks ,but he get complain have a problem in the joints legs and he got pain in the chest left side also eyes come red and pain.
    He was on treatment for long time but nw he suffer that thing after taken that Atenef can you advise.

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Allen,

    Atenef and Atroiza are both generic verions of Atripla. These tablets contain efavirenz.

    And a side effect that’s mainly related to efavirenz is sleep disturbance (including nightmares). But you can talk to your doctor and ask if you can switch to other ARVs that would be easier for you to take.

    How is the HIV treatment going? Do you have access to your viral load and CD4 count? Please let us know the results.

  6. allen

    hi. its been 5 months since i started my ARVs bt wht differ nw its dat i feel tiredness during 9it so i dnt knw wht da matter

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Fredah,

    Is there something you don’t understand about Atenef and Atroiza? They are the same meds. But they just have different names because they are made by different drug companies.

  8. Fredah

    Can I plz HV ur numba um failning to understand smthng

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Mackenzie,

    The drugs in Atenef, Atroiza and Tribuss are the same. They are just made by different drug companies.

    So it’s a good idea for your girlfriend to see the doctor about these symptoms.

    How is this treatment going? Is viral load undetectable?

  10. Mackenzie

    My girlfriend started taking Atenef in June 2019,before then was on Atrozia and Tribuss she didn’t have any complications.

    Since taking Atenef she now feels drowsy and now has a swelling on one of the leg above the knee causing movements very difficult and at times the knee joint feels like a dislocation. What could be the reason, she is due for review on the 30th July 2019, she has been on this treatment since January 2018 can you advise.


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