Q and A


How should I accept the fact that I am HIV positive and manage it?

Currently I am on treatment and doing fine.

Everyday my mind keep telling me I am a HIV positive so automatically. I try not to think about it but can not help it and keep hearing it everyday.

This disturbance cause me very stressful and I am having trouble living a ‘normal’ life.

How should I manager it?

Thank you very much.


Thanks for your question.

It is a difficult one, because there isn’t one easy answer.

Usually, with time, things get easier.

If you were newly diagnosed, or only started treatment recently, this does take a while. Focusing on the fact that with an undetectable viral load you have stopped HIV developing or from damaging your immune system may help.

Or that taking pills only takes a few minutes each day (leaving you free for the other 23 hours and 55 minutes a day to do other things).

If you currently have side effects, talk to your doctor about adapting your treatment so these are easier is important.

Your overall quality of life needs to be good – but the routine bit definitely takes a while to get used to.

After a while though, most people say that it gets easier and they reach a point where, apart from adherence, they don’t think so much about it.

If this is causing you a lot of difficulty then perhaps ask about whether counselling support is available, in case the worry is related to unresolved issues of your original HIV diagnosis.


  1. Buhle

    I’m 20 years old. I just found out that I’m HIV positive. I dont know how to deal with this and I haven’t told anyone besides my boyfriend. This thing eats me up everyday. I went to the clinic once and the nurses were very rude and mean. Sharing comments that made me hate myself. I stopped attending the clinic due to that. I’m very ashamed of myself and I fear that I might die. Please help

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi EmmaTY,

    ARVs in most countries are free. Where is it that you live? Being diagnosed can be a shock, is there anyone you can talk to?

  3. EmmaTY

    Am HIV positive, I found out a few one week ago. I don’t know what to do given the fact that I don’t have a job yet and my family is kinder struggling financially.

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Asande,

    Testing HIV positive can be a tough time for everyone. And especially if you’re a teenager. But you can ask at the clinic for support as a young person who’s just tested positive.

    Sometimes people feel sick when they first start treatment but it goes away after a week or two. If it continues you can talk to your doctor about it. You can find out if different meds would be better for you. Your meds will have been absorbed within two hours of taking them. But if you’re vomiting them up soon after taking them you need to tell the doctor.

    Here’s a link to the Treatment Action Campaign they might be able to offer support while you’re starting HIV treatment.

  5. Asande

    I am a teenager and i found out i am HIV positive about a week ago I am stressed out with loads of work to catch up on as i was in hospital for two weeks,i cannot sleep at night and whenever i do fall asleep i wake up and vomit everything like my meds,my food i am so scared and do not know what to do anymore.

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Seitebaleng,

    Its common to feel like this when diagnosed with HIV. My advice is to slow down, breath and give yourself some time. You’re going to be OK. Better than actually.

    HIV is no longer the illness that it used to be. Its now easy to treat and the medication is excellent. But yes it can be hard in the beginning. There’s some info here that may help you:


    Now that you’re aware of your status its important to start thinking about starting meds. Once on meds your HIV will be controlled.

    As someone who’s positive I know it can be tough, it does get better. Time will help. Being able to talk about it is also really important.

  7. Seitebaleng

    I found out that I am HIV positive and can’t accept it, I found out on 27 July 2018. I am stressed out about everything. I feel like I am in a nightmare.

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Bheki, Usually with time things get a bit easier. Staring HIV treatment (ART) can be a good experience for many because modern meds are easier to take and with fewer side effects. So once your viral load is undetectable you can begin to think about other things in life. And that can help keep away the stress.

  9. bheki

    how can i keep away the strss of thinking obout this?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dikeledi,

    Every mother worries about her baby, but it sounds like you are doing everything really well. Is there something specific that worries you? It sounds like you were lucky to start treatment during pregnancy, so this is already good for both you and your baby. Please also talk to your doctor about anything that worries you. This guide to pregnancy and HIV includes information about after your baby is born:


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