Q and A


Is Atenef a good ARV?

I’ve just been given Atenef, is it any good?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Atenef is version of a drug called Atripla. This is still a very widely used combination. It includes three HIV meds in one pill.

There are many other generic versions. These include Atenef, Atreslawin, Atroiza, Citenvir, Heftenam, Odimune, Rizene, Teevir, Trenvir, Tribuss, Triolar, Trivenz, Truno, Trustiva, Viraday and Vonavir.

More info about Atripla:

Over the last few years, most countries are moving away from Atripla.

Instead, guidelines have moved to use combinations that use an integrase inhibitor. This main combination is called TLD (tenofovir disoproxil, lamivudine, dolutegravir).

This question was first posted in December 2017. The answer was updated in 2021 to include information about recent use of dolutegravir. 


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi K, I am sorry to hear about your side effects. How much longer do you have on your course of PEP? Unfortunately HIV medication combinations that contain efavirenz, like yours, can have unpleasant side effects. If you are on these long term these tend to subside. As you are on a short course of PEP I can’t say that they will ease. However after your course of PEP is complete, so will the side effects finish.

  2. K

    Hi was given atenef as PEP…after taking them am very very dizzy disoriented,week and just feel like a throwing up…. I also have a los of appetite. But I try to eat cause I have to take another pills for my athritis and no I don’t take them at the same time

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi, I am sorry to hear you are losing weight. This is a potential side effect from Antenef (a generic version of Atripla), more specifically Efavirenz. Efavirenz being one of the drugs that form a combination to make Antenef. Fat changes caused by Efavirenz is not well understood and regaining this weight can be difficult. Where have you lost the weight? If this side effect of your medication is causing you worry, you can speak with your doctor and there may be better suited medication for you to use. This is a link about fat changes caused by HIV medication: https://i-base.info/guides/side/fat-loss-lipoatrophy Depending on where the fat loss is there may be certain things you can do to regain your body shape which is also explained on this page.

  4. Anonymous

    I was drinking volutrips and now on antenef so I keep on losing weight each and every day,why?Is there anything that can happen to me?Should I worry myself?Am I going to regain that weight again?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Anonymous,

    It’s great that your doctor said your blood test showed no bad sign. But you can ask to see your viral load result. This can show if Atenef is working well.

    The meds in Atenef are the same as in Atripla. They have a different names because they are made by different companies.

    Please let us know your viral load and CD4 results.

  6. Anonymous

    I have been on atripla for about 3 years but I skipped my meds for about 3 months because my medication aid was giving me a problem. The medical then prescribed Atenef,
    my blood test showed no bad sign the doctor told I’m still doing well,willl this have any effects, will I not develop any resistance? I’m panicking because of this.

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi zz,

    It looks like your doctor has given you Atenef as PEP. PEP is taken after a possible HIV risk for a month. Please see this link for more info about PEP.

  8. zz

    Hi I’m hiv negative 2 days ago I sleept with hiv positive guy without a condom now my Dr rested me and still negative but gave me Atenef tables for 30 days is this ok?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Bongi, Yes, and you can find out more about HIV pregnancy and women’s health here.

  10. bongi

    can I still get pregnant if I take atenef?


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