
Can I restart on Trivenz after a break?

Hi, I’m a 29 years old male and was diagnosed HIV positive when I was 20.

I was not on treatment since then until last year when I diagnosed with TB. It was difficult to believe that I was HIV positive until when I got sick last year and my CD4 was 87. I finished TB treatment for 9 months and started taking Trivenz. When I was about to renew my script for HIV treatment I realized that I didn’t have funds on my medical aid but was able to take bloods reviews.

My doctor refused to renew the script for me and I was struggling financially. I stopped taking treatment for 2 months and was able to see my doctor again to renew my script when I got cash. My results showed that my CD4 was on 180 when I went for bloods reviews 2 months ago and my doctor advised that I continue taking Trivenz now after being off on treatment for two months.

I’m worried that  I might be resistant to same drug now. Please advice what must I do or should I change the doctor?



Thanks for the questions and sharing your experience.

It sounds like you have had a difficult time and also been very lucky to have responded well to both HIV and TB meds.

In the short-term, it is probably better now to start Trivenz again as soon as possible. Although there is a small chance you developed resistance, it is much more likely that restarting will be okay. Because your CD4 count went so low before you went on treatment you really need to be taking HIV meds everyday.

In the longer term, it sounds like you need health care that will ensure your meds are always there. This might involve finding out whether free meds are available in other ways. If your doctor is not helpful and you have a choice of other doctors, then see whether someone else might be more helpful.

You didn’t say which country you live in so I can’t comment on the health system. For example, in the UK HIV meds are free and in the US there is ADAP and medicaid to help if you have low income. Many other countries have similar free healthcare.

As Trivenz is a generic version of Atripla, it sounds likely you are not in the US.

Please let me know how you get on and if you have other questions.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nono,

    Trivenz is a generic version of Atripla. For how it should be taken, please see here:

  2. Nono

    Hi can I take trivenz on an empty stomach?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lindokazi,

    If your boyfriend is HIV positive then it’s good news he’s taking Trivenz. Trivenz is an HIV treatment (ART) that is safe and effective and can reduce viral load to undetectable.

    Please see the U=U (Undetectable = Untransmittable) campaign here.

    U=U means that someone with an undetectable HIV viral load on HIV treatment (ART) cannot transmit HIV, even without using condoms. So the risk of transmission is zero.

    How long has your boyfriend been taking ART? Most people become undetectable with 1 to 3 months of treatment.

  4. Lindokazi

    Hy I’m Lindokazi and I have a boyfriend who take Trivenz,and I only found out now after having unprotected sex with him last night,so I would like to know if I’m affected already?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cynthia,

    Firstly, many congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter.

    It’s good that your daughter is still taking HIV treatment (ART). But follow up is important for all HIV positive mothers and their children.

    Can she talk to her doctor about this? Treating HIV and TB can be complex and follow up is right for this too.

    How is your granddaughter? All babies born to HIV positive mothers should be given a short course of HIV meds.

    In South Africa your daughter can contact the Treatment Action Campaign. They can offer local support and information.

    And for more information here’s the guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health.

  6. Cynthia

    I have 26yrs old daughter who has been diagnosed of hiv and TB while she was pregnant – so she is currently on tb treatment and on Trivenz. She got her prescription from her Doctor while she was pregnant she gave birth in January 2019. She is not doing any follow up with anybody for now since -but she is still on tablets – is it still safe for her to continue with it or she has to change to a stronger dosage and these youngsters doesnt want to go to clinics they always prefer Doctors please assist.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Senzo,

    You only need to take PEP if your girlfriends viral load is detectable. If her viral load is undetectable you aren’t at risk. Please see here:

    Feeling dizzy with Trivenz is common.

  8. Senzo

    I had sex with my hiv positive girlfriend she is on treatment. The condom burst, and I went to the doctor, was prescribed trivenz as PEP. I took them immediately but doctor advised me to take them at night I took them earlier worrying that time I was not on my side since they say every hour counts. These pills make me feel dizzy sleepy too much. These symptoms takes effects after 3 hours. I want to know if could delay taking the pills to take them later without putting my life at risk of getting infected?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nomsa,

    It’s great that you started HIV Treatment (ART) after finding out you’re going to have a baby. The benefits of ART are not just to your own health. Treating your HIV will reduce the risk of your baby becoming HIV positive to almost zero.

    Please see the guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health.

    But disturbed sleep is a reported side effect of efavirenz, which is the main drug in Trivenz. Please can you talk to your doctor about switching to other meds that can suit you better.

  10. Nomsa

    I was diagnosed with HIV when i discovered that I am pregnant and I was given Trivenz since then I have been sleepless and I am vomiting which never happened before and I feel more sicker than I was before . please is there any safer arv drugs I can take apart from this Trivenz I am even thinking of stopping taking it but I am worried for my unborn baby


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