Q and A


Will my baby be okay now I stopped giving him water?

My baby is 3 weeks 6 days, he is formula feeding and i just recently found out that i should not be giving him water when he is on nevirapine and i have stopped. What negative effects does this have on my son?



You are right that your baby doesn’t need water or any other foods – just the formula milk.

Now you have change to this it will be better.

Your son is likely to be fine now, but it is also good for your doctor and nurse to advise you on this.

Congratulations on your new son too.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lebo, congratulations on having a baby. Are you taking your own treatment? It is recommended that you continue with nevirapine even if you switch to formula. How old is baby now? and how long were you breastfeeding baby before he started treatment?

  2. Lebo

    Hi my name is lebo, when my baby was born they didn’t give him nvp they told me the following day that I must give him but now m scared that I breastfed him for that day without the medication and is it necessary for me to continue with nvp because I have changed him to formula.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Karabo, how long has your baby been constipated for? Constipation is quite normal for new babies and this link provides information about how to manage it: https://www.nhs.uk/start4life/baby/feeding-your-baby/bottle-feeding/bottle-feeding-challenges/constipation-and-bottle-feeding/

    Sugar-salt water will not help baby with constipation. Sugar-salt water is used when baby is not getting enough hydration. As long as they are feeding well they should not need this.

  4. Karabo

    Hy my baby is on NVP formula feeding, but is constipated, one week old. Can I give him suger-salt water

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Noma, congratulations on having a baby. Have you spoken to a doctor about the rashes your baby has? As you started treatment and your viral load dropped so quickly, the risk of HIV transmission is very low. Many women find out about their status later than yourself and/or are not on treatment. These women go on to have healthy, HIV negative babies.

    Is your baby on any HIV treatment? and are they on any other medication?

  6. Noma

    Hy am Noma started treatment (ARVs) when I was 32weeks viral load was 6240 and cd4 was 200 by my 36 weeks I viral load was 32copies cd4 was 420 I gave birth naturally at 38 weeks….Now am worried about the results since my baby has been receiving persistent skin rashes on face and legs..might he be infected

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lebogang, gripe water is not going to stop nevirapine from working. Is baby okay?

  8. Lebogang

    Hy my baby boy was born negative on nvp but i gave him grape water on his first 2-3 weeks i have stopped after knowing i should not give him and his on nevirapine is he affected?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Thembi, congratulations on your new baby, and on doing so well. If your viral load is undetectable then it is okay to switch from breastfeeding to formula milk. Please let your doctor know about this.

  10. Thembi

    Hi my baby is 3 weeks on nvp bt when i give him he becames nuasea i dnt knw y.and i ‘m breastfeeding will be my baby be infected if i mixed feed cause i dnt knw wht causes him being nuasea


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