
Can HIV positive people visit the UK on a student visa?

Can hiv positive person enter into uk or not on student visa?



The UK does not require an HIV test for any visitor visa, including for students.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Vishal, being HIV positive is not a barrier to getting a visa in either the USA or the UK. In the UK HIV medication is free. This is regardless of residency status. In the USA, access will be different depending on the state you visit and your medical insurance provider.

  2. Vishal

    Hi Vishu here
    Hope u r doing well
    I m looking to uk as well as usa for my Post graduation. But i am hiv postive so can I get visa or not if I m get visa ..
    What’s about my medcine in uk or usa it’s free or pay by themself ..
    I hope u r clear my all confusions
    Thanku so much

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mary, being HIV positive is no a barrier to being granted a student visa in the UK. It is illegal in the UK to discriminate against someone on the basis of their HIV status. You can apply and your HIV status will have no impact.

  4. Mary

    I want to apply for UK visa as a student and I’m HIV positive and have being thinking if this can lead to denying me a visa… please help

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Adrian, i-base is an HIV based charity. I am only aware that HIV does not restrict visa applications for skilled workers. Unfortunately I am unaware of the legalities for applying with a criminal record. Are you able to contact your local UK embassy for this information?

  6. Adrian

    I have a criminal record for assault committed in SA 10 years ago I only paid a fine of R300 expungement of the record is in progress can I get a UK skilled worker visa ?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tinto, HIV is not a restriction to working in the UK. It is illegal to prevent someone from employment in the UK based on their HIV status.

  8. Tinto

    Being a HIV positive can I work in UK (tier 2 visa)

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sidhu, the UK has no requirement for testing or declaration of HIV status when applying for a student visa. While a resident in the UK, access to HIV medication is free. HIV medication can be obtained from sexual health clinics. This is a link to find one for the area you will be studying:

  10. Sidhu

    Hi ,

    Hope this message finds you all well.

    I’m planning to further my Masters in UK next year (2022) around September.

    1) May I know if there’s a specific requirement when applying for a tier-4 student visa particularly involving my status as a PLHIV? Do I need to declare my status to the immigration? I’m really concerned.

    2) May I know how I can get the medication below and also the cost?

    Emtricitabine Tenofovir Disproxil Fumerate + Dolutegravir ; My CD4 is above 700


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