
Can HIV positive people visit the UK on a student visa?

Can hiv positive person enter into uk or not on student visa?



The UK does not require an HIV test for any visitor visa, including for students.


  1. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Bravin and thanks for getting in touch.

    Unfortunately i-base doesn’t offer help to people who want to migrate.

    The below site has some information about the conditions for migration in every country, if there are any.

    UK has no restrictions to people living with HIV who want to migrate but a visa is required.

    Yes when travelling, you should always have your medication with you, enough for one or two months is best.

    We would like to wish every luck in your future endeavours

  2. Bravin

    Hi, I am a woman living with HIV, and I would like to work in the UK.
    If I am allowed, should I travel with my medication?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Swapnil

    I-Base is a treatment information project.

    HIV status doesn’t affect your right to visit the UK or to study or work here. It is also okay for people living with HIV to work as a dentist, although this does still involve being on ART with an undetectable viral load.

    Applying for asylum though is a different issue and we are not able to help with this.

  4. Swapnil

    Sir please give me reply
    I’m a dentist
    I’m hiv positive and my viral load is undetected now.
    I want to in Uk for my higher study on public health.
    And want to Research related work there.
    Can l apply for asylum there

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mr M, testing for HIV is only required for certain blood-facing positions. Testing positive will not impact on your employment, rather further precautions may be required in some settings.

    What job are you being tested for?

  6. Mr M

    Do people need to take hiv test at their work places in UK?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Brunelle, yes you can be granted a visa. It is illegal in the UK to discriminate on the basis of HIV status. Being HIV positive will not prevent you obtaining a visa and sourcing work.

  8. Brunelle

    Hi i have a degree in aviation management and i wish to apply for a job in the UK despite the fact I’m an HIV career do you think i can be granted a visa with this status?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Naveen, no you will not be rejected.

    Being HIV positive will not be a problem for entering the UK.

    Treatment in the UK is free regardless of residency status. Access is from sexual health clinics. You can find one close to where you will be staying here:

    You can also carry your own medication through customs with a doctors note. Having around a months supply with you along with your medical notes can help speed up the process of access.

  10. Naveen

    Sir iam on medication since 2020 I want to come uk will they reject me in medical test.
    And if I come uk will they provide free medicine in Uk hiv positive


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