
Do these meds interact with my ARVs? Can I travel to Nigeria?


I really appreciate your answers. Thanks very much for your time.

I have been experiencing some side effects since starting Truvada and efavirenz (Sustiva). I have started to gain weight and am much more anxious than usual. I am also having trouble breathing when I do exercise. I decided to go and see a specialist concerning my symptoms. He told me that the cause mighty come from what he called gastroesopageal-reflux disease (GERD). He prescribed Nexium 40mg tablets and Motilium-m 10mg tablets. I am also taking lexapro and tranxene medication for anxiety. Is there any interactions between these drugs and my ARVs? Will the drugs prescribed effects my liver?

Can travel to Nigeria with a CD4 count of 365? Is it possible I will contract other opportunistic infections? I am afraid because since I was diagnosed I have not been to Nigeria.


Thank you for your question.

There are no interactions between the drugs you have been prescribed for side effects and your current HIV drugs. You are bound to experience side effects in the first few weeks of starting HIV treatment. These side effects should wear off in about four to six weeks. However, some HIV drugs can have serious adverse effects.. Efavirenz is commonly associated with increased anxiety and you may need to talk to you doctor about switching treatment if you feel you cannot tolerate this side effect.

As far as weight gain is concerned, you need to be a bit more specific about where you are gaining the fat in order to give you the appropriate information.

For more information on side effects see the i-Base


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