Q and A


How much do HIV drugs cost in the UK?

Hi, hope much do HIV meds cost in the UK. Does this mean I am just given the cheapest drugs?



Thanks for your question.

Drug pricing in the UK is complicated because the prices paid by the NHS are never made public. Also, different regions in the UK negotiate different prices with different companies.

This can make the actual price much lower than the price listed in the British National Formulary (BNF).

The graphic in Table 1 shows the relative costs for commonly used combinations when starting ART. This is from the Midlands and East of England region.

Cost is never the most important factor for deciding treatment. Even the most expensive combinations are very cost effective. Every doctor can prescribe every HIV drug when this is the best treatment for a particular patient.

Cost becomes important when several options are appropriate for an individual. In this case, NHS prescribing is based on using the least expensive one first.

If someone has problems with side effects, switching to an alternative drug should always be easy in the UK.

Similar tables are available for switching treatment. These can be seen in this detailed document from the same NHS region.

Source: Midlands & East Region: Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Prescribing Implementation Guidance for Adult and Adolescent Patients Starting and Switching Treatment 2021-2022. (July 2021 update). This replaces all previous versions. Full document.

This answer has a lot more details about cost and access:

Note: This graphic in this answer was updated in August 2021 from a question posted in Feb 2018.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anish,

    If you were to come to the UK you’d get meds for free as meds are fee for anyone who lives in the UK. This includes students.

  2. Anish

    I am 21, from India. I was diagnosed with HIV 2 months ago, and I am currently on an ART regimen. I am preparing to apply for university (postgrad) abroad. Is there a way for me to get ART meds at a cheap price if I move to the UK for studies? Being able to afford meds has become a huge factor in my Uni choices and I would appreciate any help you can provide.

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Harry,

    Your question is answered here http://i-base.info/qa/15136

  4. Harry

    Hello, just a week before I had a protected sex (on condom) with unknown person who I am not sure is infected by HIV. Sex was just for few seconds. Now since two days I am suffering from cold is this a sign of early stage of HIV. Please answer as I am very much afraid

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Arkan,

    I’m sorry this sounds really tough for you and for your brother.

    I’d like to have a more detailed conversation with you about the problems your brother is facing. Would you be happy to email me in confidence? My email is roy.trevelion@i-base.org.uk. You can email me at anytime and I’ll respond as quickly as I can.

    You could also call me on the i-Base treatment information Phoneline. This is free to callers in the UK. It is open Monday to Wednesday 12 noon to 4pm. On 0808 800 6013.

    Both the Phoneline and our email conversation are strictly confidential.

    Best wishes,

  6. Arkan

    Hello I am from UK but one of my brothers has got HIV by injection from one unknown doctor in Iraq and the doctor run away because he did that to more then 10 people know I am struggling I don’t no how to get a treatment for him he is in iraq and treatment there extremely expensive he can’t afford it at all so please there any chance to get treatment for him here in UK?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tholakele,

    ARVs are free to anyone who is positive and has an address in the UK.

  8. Tholakele

    Hi how are you I’m already on treatment can i get a medication in uk and I want to know if it free

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zvovich,

    Sorry, but i-Base is a HIV treatment information resource. We are not doctors.

    Are you already on HIV treatment (ART)? What country do you live in?

  10. Zvovich

    Can I get ARVs from you?


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