
Can I change the time when I take my meds?

I’ve been taking my meds for a while. My viral load is undetectable. Is it OK if I change the time that I take them? I want to change from 8pm until 9pm.


Thanks for getting in touch.

Its perfectly fine to change the time that you take your meds from 8pm until 9pm. This won’t have any effect on your HIV, nor viral load.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ndileka, sorry to hear about the changes you are experiencing.

    Can you remember the name of the medications you were taking? and what the name of the new medication you are now taking is?

    And how long ago were you switched? Have you tried anything to help with your headaches e.g., sleep more, drink more fluids and try and reduce your stress?

  2. Ndileka

    I’ve been taking two hiv tablets from my previous medical aid but now I’m no longer have the medical aid I then decide to go to government clinic where they change them to one now I’m experiencing some changes on me mostly headache that makes that I can keep on caring can you help on that because nowadays I’m on and off and it’s frustrate me a lot

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Joe, have you had sex and are you taking PrEP as daily or on-demand?

    On the day you started at 06:00am did you then take another dose on the same day at 18:00pm?

    As you would not have missed a day it is okay to move the time of PrEP backwards e.g., from 18:00pm and then 13:00pm the next day. PrEP will still work.

  4. Joe

    I have 3 days taking prep tablets,first one I take it 06:00am and decide to change to 18:00 and today is my second time taking it at 18:00 can I change it again to 13:00

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Raj, yes you can do this.

  6. Raj

    Can I change my arv medicine time for 1month

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kabugo,

    ARVs should be taken at a time that works for you and your lifestyle, if 9pm works, then try that.

  8. Kabugo

    Can I change my time for ARVs from 10am to 9pm

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zama,

    If you’re being sick, it’s very possible that this is due to you being pregnant. ARVs don’t usually make you sick for hours at a time. However they can cause nausea as the following explains-
    As you’re new to meds you might find this helpful: as well as the following:

  10. Zama

    Hi this is Zama, i’ m 6 weeks pregnat and i found out that i’ m positive so i have 3 days taking arvs but my problem is that when i take it at 8 pm, im vomiting and crazy at the sametime untill in morning, i can’t even sleep. What can i do? I really need an advise. Please help!


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