Q and A


How long will it take to get undetectable viral load?


How long will I ned to take my treatment for me to reach undetectable viral load?


Hi there

The time it takes to become undetectable varies a lot between different people.

It depends on which treatment you use and how high your viral load was when you started treatment.

If you combination contains and integrase inhibitor, then most people become undetectable within one month. With other combinations, most people become undetectable within three months.

The higher your viral load when you start, the longer it can take.

For example, if your viral load start at over 1 million copies/mL and you are not using an integrase inhibitor, this might take six months or longer.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Yoli,

    If you have a low viral load on HIV treatment (ART), and it’s undetectable, that means your meds are working well. So that’s good news.

    But if you have a continuing detectable viral load on ART, you need to talk to your doctor about it. Please discuss with your doctor if you need to change your HIV meds to those that will work better.

  2. Yoli

    Hello, what are the most common signs of a low viral load

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tonny,

    If your viral load is undetectable, you can’t transmit HIV to your wife. With regards to getting pregnant, it can take time to fall pregnant. If you think there could be fertility issues you’d need to see a doctor.

  4. Tonny

    Hi Lisa since I became undetectable with a viral load less than 20, I tried for a baby with my negative wife last month using ovulation kit to predict wen ovulation might occur,I ejaculated twice in to her vagina without having sex to avoid bruises.A week later she began having pregnancy symptoms like breast tenderness and pain,constipation, tiredness,rashes,cramps and waist pain. We took 5 different urine pregnancy test and all came back negative and on d 6th of dis month she got her period which suppose to come on d 7th so after her normal 4 days flow we tested again thinking it was implantation bleeding but it still came back negative. My question now are 1.why did she get all dis symptoms and not pregnant. 2.all other symptoms has gone only d rashes on her back is still der and itchy. 3.is my wife in any chance now positive. Pls I need ur reply am worried so is my wife.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tonny,

    Yes you can have children. Your viral load is undetectable so there’s no risk. Please see Q’s 6, 9 and 14 here: http://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions

  6. Tonny

    Good day every one! is Tonny my viral load is result came back less than 20copies,can I try for a baby with my negative wife? If yes how am I suppose to go about it.we really need babies

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Prince,

    Thanks for your comment. Lisa is right that Tonny’s meds are not working. So yes, it’s a good idea for him to talk to the clinic and doctor about changing treatment to get undetectable before trying for a baby.

    Tonny and his wife can discuss PrEP with the clinic too.

  8. Prince

    Hey Tonny I just wanted to say a few on the sence that you are waiting for your viral load to be undectatable then you and your wife try for a baby. Try to visit the nearest health care centre to find out more of non-discorded couples like your case? On that I mean help your to be initiated on Prep course that would prevent her from being infected for up to zero chances if taken accordingly. While you wait for the medication change….

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tonny,

    Though your CD4 is doing well, the medication that you’re taking isn’t working. If it was your viral load wouldn’t be 938,963. It would now be undetectable. What this means is that you’re going to need to change medication. Please see here: http://i-base.info/guides/changing You’ll need to discuss this with your doctor.

  10. Tonny

    Hi am Tonny from Nigeria I av been on medication for a year with strict adherence my cd4 was 746 before I started treatment I did not kwn my viral load before starting treatment, I just took my 1st viral load test after one year of treatment and it was 938963 with a cd4 of 908.what might be d reason of me not been undetectable after a year of treatment, my wife is hiv- and we have waited for a year so we can try for a baby but this test result has frustrated all our plans. My medication is called cipla. pls guide us I don’t want my wife to be infected.


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