
My viral load is zero, does this mean I’m negative?

I was tested positive 1 year back with a CD4 count of 310. After 3 months the CD4 went up to 540 and now after exactly a year it is 640.

I never got a viral load test before i started my treatment in the beginning but when i got a test now a year after medication the test results say Zero count. Is this possible? Or can it be due to an error in the test? How accurate can these results be?

If the count of 0 viral load is possible is there any chance that i could actually be HIV negative?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Viral loads aren’t usually given as a zero, but it is common to be “undetectable”. This is a good thing and it is the main goal of HIV treatment (ART).

Do you have a copy of the viral load test?

Might they have said that its simply undetectable?

Having an undetectable of zero viral load does not mean you are HIV negative. If you were to do another HIV antibody test it would come back as being positive.

Given that your CD4 count was 310 when you were diagnosed, I’d say that its very unlikely that you’re HIV negative. It is much more likely that the treatment is working well and this has increased it to 640.


  1. Aly

    I just had the hiv pcr and it says “ less than 16”. Does that mean I’m negative ?

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Arias, unforuntately you will not become HIV negative.

    HIV treatment suppresses viral load and it is great that your result is tnd.

    HIV tests look for antibodies. These are cells the body makes in response to infection and HIV treatment does not get rid of them. Even with a suppressed viral load. treatment is not a cure which is why you will still test positive.

    More information about testing can be found here:

  3. Arias

    My viral load tnd,if I test hiv,will my report will come negative?
    Pliz reply me

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ioan, is your wife on treatment? The most likely reason is that they have a viral load below 200/undetectable. In these cases it is impossible to pass on HIV via sex. This is called U=U:

    It means that when treatment suppresses viral load so much, HIV cannot be passed on even when you do not use a condom.

    If your wife has a higher viral load/not on treatment, there are other factors that influence risk e.g., other infections, genetics, type of sex etc…

    More information about transmission can be found here:

  5. Ioan

    Hi I’m living with my wife for 16 years she is positive HIV since she was child of age 5 . I’m doing regular test but it’s still negative . How it’s come that it’s still negative ?

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zavi, it is great that your viral load is so low. Have you tested your antibodies?

    Are you currently on treatment?

  7. Zavi

    Mine was 0

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Amit, thanks – how are you feeling. Even if you thought this result was possible, it can still be a shock. Also, has the positive test been confirmed?

    A viral load of about 4000 copies/mL is still very low.

    Did your doctor talk about your CD4 count? This is anpther important test that is good to get.

  9. Amit

    I have been recently diagnosed as HIV + and my count 4012 copies/ml

  10. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nirob, for information about testing please see here:


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