
Can positive people have children?

My partner and I are both positive, can we have a baby?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Yes positive people can have children, the important thing is that the mother is on medication and that her viral load is undetectable. Please see Q6 here:


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ajai,

    Are you taking ARVs? If you are and your viral load is undetectable there’s no risk to your wife, please see here: If your viral load is detectable, though your wife has so far tested negative, there is a risk.

  2. Ajai

    Greetings sir,
    I want to ask you that i am hiv positive also on arv, my wife is negetive… She is pregnant right now.
    My wife hiv test done in 6 week, 10 week and 14 week report is negetive… There is any chances for hiv if 3 test are negetive.
    Did I worry about her??

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Arindam,

    I can’t say if you’ll become parents as this is a fertility issue. You can’t however infect your wife, this is because your HIV is under control. Please see here:

  4. Arindam

    Greetings Sir.
    I want know one thing from you that I am hiv positive… My viral load is undetectable… My cd4 is 736 and my wife is hiv negative.
    It is possible we will became a parents.
    I took ARV DAILY.