Q and A


I’d like to go back to my old regime, is this possible?

My name is Stephen, I started my treatment on Tribuss and it worked very well but the doctor changed me to Truvada and Aluvia combination because he thought Tribuss was causing liver damage. It was later found that my TB treatment was causing my liver function issues so my question is whether it is safe to go back to Tribuss from my current treatment because I want to be on a single pill.


Thanks for getting in touch.

As you didn’t have any issues with Tribuss and you want to use a one pill regime, then yes, this it should be OK for you to go back to Tribuss. However, this is a discussion that you will need to have with your doctor as they may suggest another one pill regime, for example TLD, or as it’s also know: Acriptega, Reydin and Viripil.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pearl, thank you for this further information. Yes it is safe to move to Reydin from your current combination. The resistance you have acquired to Trisbuss will not impact this switch as each treatment uses a different class of medication – they all work differently, meaning HIV resistance to Trisbuss would not also be resistance to another class.

  2. Pearl

    Hi Josh, i was on Tribuss (2013)before i was moved to Aluvia and lamzin,(2014 May) i became resistant to tribuss then moved to 2nd regimen, now i have been changed to Reyfin(2024Jan)

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pearl, no there is no risk of resistance. Was Aluvia the first combination you had been started on?

    A similar question has been answered previously: https://i-base.info/qa/20042

  4. Pearl

    Hi i have been changed to Reydin tablet, i was on Lamivodine and Aluvia, i just want to know if there is no risk being moved from 2nd regime to 1st line regime, will this not cause resistance in my system?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lisa, do you know the name of the treatment you were on previously? I ams sorry to hear that you are having these symptoms. Do you know how much weight you have lost in the last few days? how long have you been feeling tired? and you you have a temperature/fever?

  6. Lisa

    Hi I’m 38 years and Im also changed to Reydin,so it’s been about 6 days using Reydin and already I’m losing weight and I’m not feeling good at all,I feel like vomiting and dizziness sometimes and always tired,I jst wanna know what causes that and if it’s normal from the bigining,I was using vulante before they change me to Reydin.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Mashilo – Reydin in a new HIV combination that uses slighly different drugs than Trivage. Both generic pills include two of the same HIV meds. These are tenofovir and emtricitabine. The third drug in Reydin is dolutegravir and in Trivage is efavirenz.

    Reydin is now recommended as a better medicine though and most people find it easier to take. It is good to monitor your weight while taking HIV meds, but changing treatment does not mean you will get fat pads.

    Ferrimed is an iron supplement and if your doctor prescribed this, it is okay to take with your HIV meds.

  8. Mashilo

    Hi. I am 49 and was on Trivage medication and recently changed to REYDIN. I haven’t started on Reydin as yet as I’m still finishing my Trivage. I was doing well on Trivage. I am also on FERRIMED pills. Will I develop a hump and redistributed fat. How much do the two treatments differ?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nomonde,

    Info about Reydin can be found here: https://www.cipla.co.za/cipla-news/world-aids-day-cipla-launches-new-triple-combination-antiretroviral-drug-reydin/
    The main difference is that Reydin contains an ARV called dolutegravir. With dolutegravir the side effects are less than the efavirenz that are in Trevnir (which is a generic version of Atripla: https://i-base.info/guides/1561) You may however experience weight gain.

    In South African, it’s common for people to switch from an efavirenz based regime to dolutegravir.

  10. Nomonde

    Hi, I have been changed to Reydin tablets, and I was on Trevnir. I just want to know if I will have any side effects? And what is the difference between the two.


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