
Can I transit through Qatar if I am HIV positive?

I am traveling to South Africa in a few months with a stop off in Qatar. Will there be a problem with my bag check if I am found to have HIV medication with me as I have been informed I would be deported if my medication is found?


Thank you for your question.

I have spoken to the UAE embassy and as long as you are passing through Qatar in transit to South Africa, this should not be a problem at all. Your HIV status will be an issue only if you try to emigrate to live in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). If you are simply passing through there should be no problem at all.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Simon,

    Info on Qatar can be found here: Like other countries in the region they have an issue with positive people. You won’t be able to work there.

  2. Simon

    Iam HIV + and my mom wants me to go and work in qatar will that affect my stay there or I can’t go at all

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Job,

    I’m sorry to hear this. But you could try the Treatment Action Campaign at this contact link. They might be able to help with advice.

  4. Job

    Iam at Qatar and I’m HIV I came with my ARV for two months cause we’re supposed to stay for a month but due to workload our stay has to be extended and unfortunately the time we’re supposed to go back home the was a lockdown in South Africa now I have run out of my medication(ARV) so where or what must I do to get it even if I have to buy it it’s fine stuck at Qatar

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anthony,

    If you’re just trasnitting, then yes this shouldn’t be an issue.

  6. Anthony

    Hello, I know it’s been asked/answered in the passed but as of now in 2019 can I transit through Qatar and travel to the UK with HIV medication?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Antony j,

    I’m not sure if you mean you’ll qualify as resident in Qatar. So please check at this link to HIV Travel.

    It says –

    An HIV test is required for everybody intending to stay for more than one month. There is no HIV testing on entry.

    The embassy requires a medical exam report from one of the GCC-approved clinics in the country of the person requesting a work visa.

    Those testing HIV positive will be denied work visas and will be deported (exception: residents who contract HIV during residence).

  8. Antony j

    I am HIV+taking medication.I got a job offer in Qatar offshore for six months in sea and I carrying medicines with me.Can I able to pass customs check in airport with my medicines?Kindly advise.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Candy. i-Base only provide treatment info, but this site ( is good on HIV and travel. The info about Qatar sounds like HIV positive people can’t work in the country. This makes it even more unlikely that you would get treatment. You could also contact the Qatar embassy in your country – but it might be better do this using a different name or anonymously.

  10. Candy

    I am currently on ARVs and I have recieved a job offer in Qatar. Will it be a problem to travel into the country witn my treatment and will I have free access to ARVs once living there(Qatar)?


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