Q and A


Can I buy ARVs from a pharmacy without a prescription?

I am away a lot for work and find it hard to get to the clinic. Can I buy ARVs from the pharmacy? I live in South Africa.


Thanks for getting in touch and for letting us post your question online.

All countries are supposed to need a prescription to buy HIV drugs. This includes In South Africa.

In some countries you might be able to buy some meds over the counter without a prescription (even if it is not legal). If you can do this, please make sure that you buy exactly the same meds that you usually take.

If you’re having access issues, please talk to your doctor.

Explain your situation, ask to have a few months of meds, even up to six months. This is now common in many countries. Often this is because of COVID.

Things have changed now in many countries, including South Africa.

Instead of being given a month at a time it is more common to get med for 2-6 months.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi, i-Base is a charity in the United Kingdom. Because of this i am afraid I don’t have specific information about pharmacies in South Africa.

    You can ask your clinic or doctor about where you can get treatment. The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) may be able to give you more relevant information: https://www.tac.org.za/


    how can i get my treatment for HIV at clicks?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Daniel, I am sorry but i-Base is in the UK and we only have limited info about other health systems. Your option might be different depending on how you access care – ie if this is public or private. Perhaps contact either an HIV organsation in Lesotho or the largest local hospital for advice.

  4. Daniel

    Hi there, I am Daniel I am in Central Drakensburg and I am taking Arvs but is hard to get them here do to work how can I get them?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Maria, where are you based? i-base is in the UK and it is difficult to suggest how to access to treatment in other countries. How long will you be without treatment?

  6. Maria

    Hi m taking arv’s but far from my home with work m facing this challenge of getting my medication m working from George what can I do get them

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Maiseng, what do you need help with? Did the hospital offer any support when you were both tested? Do you know which clinic to go to?

  8. maiseng

    Hi…me and my husband we found out that we have HIV when he is sick from hospital,so we want to take our medication at click…can you help us

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nobody, you will need to speak with our doctor. They will be able to prescribe ART for you.

  10. Nobody

    Hy I’ve never taken the treatment but I know that I’m positive…how do I get the treatment at clicks?


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