Q and A


Can I buy ARVs from a pharmacy without a prescription?

I am away a lot for work and find it hard to get to the clinic. Can I buy ARVs from the pharmacy? I live in South Africa.


Thanks for getting in touch and for letting us post your question online.

All countries are supposed to need a prescription to buy HIV drugs. This includes In South Africa.

In some countries you might be able to buy some meds over the counter without a prescription (even if it is not legal). If you can do this, please make sure that you buy exactly the same meds that you usually take.

If you’re having access issues, please talk to your doctor.

Explain your situation, ask to have a few months of meds, even up to six months. This is now common in many countries. Often this is because of COVID.

Things have changed now in many countries, including South Africa.

Instead of being given a month at a time it is more common to get med for 2-6 months.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Phumie, have you spoken to any healthcare professional since being diagnosed? Have you done any further testing? It is important you see the results so you can confirm your status yourself. Have you considered an at home test? Have you done any CD4/viral load tests?

  2. Phumie

    Hi…please reply as soon as possible, i need help. Apparently i was diagnosed with hiv while pregnant and honestly i didn’t even see the results or hear what the nurse said to me. I did everything i was told and took treatment, later on after giving birth, continued with treatment until 1 day it felt like my whole world is crashing down so i stopped. Its been 6 months without treatment. Please advise on what to do. Am i at risk of getting very sick?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lerato, have you looked to see if there are any closer clinics?

  4. Lerato

    It’s been 7 year’s now I’m using the med so I’m far away from my clinic

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Linah, do you have copies of your medical notes? These detail that you hare HIV positive and have yet to start treatment. This should be all you require medically to access ART. You can contact the clinic you are intending to go to to ask if they require any other information e.g., proof of address/ID.

  6. Linah

    I have never been to the clinic to get ARV this will be the first time due to my medical aid no longer being active can u please advise what do I need to take with me at the clinic in order to continue my treatment

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Marius, how long have you been without your ARVs? Did the clinic offer you anything different?

  8. Marius

    I was two times at the clinic but don’t have my arv. Please. Thank you

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Annoimos, I am sorry that you are feeling this way. How long is it you are travelling for? You should not be feeling humiliated for looking after your health. Your treatment is what keeps you healthy and no nurse should be humiliating you for taking the treatment that you need. Are you able to collect your medication with someone e.g., friend/colleague?

  10. Annonimos

    From anonymous I was diagnosed with HIV and i travel a lot becous of the event I’ve missed my date and am sked of being humiliated of the nurse can i buy my medicine at the pharmacy


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