Q and A


Can I buy ARVs from a pharmacy without a prescription?

I am away a lot for work and find it hard to get to the clinic. Can I buy ARVs from the pharmacy? I live in South Africa.


Thanks for getting in touch and for letting us post your question online.

All countries are supposed to need a prescription to buy HIV drugs. This includes In South Africa.

In some countries you might be able to buy some meds over the counter without a prescription (even if it is not legal). If you can do this, please make sure that you buy exactly the same meds that you usually take.

If you’re having access issues, please talk to your doctor.

Explain your situation, ask to have a few months of meds, even up to six months. This is now common in many countries. Often this is because of COVID.

Things have changed now in many countries, including South Africa.

Instead of being given a month at a time it is more common to get med for 2-6 months.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Makgosi, do you know why your doctor has recommended this treatment? Have you been tested for resistance is the past? Due to the pain you curently have on treatment, Trizivir would not be a suitable switch unless options were limited. Has your doctor mentioned TLD: https://i-base.info/guides/14970 This is the most common switch from Trivenz as it is a much more tolerated drug and people experience fewer side effects. There is no link with weight loss or neuropathy with this treatment.

    How long have you been experiencing the pain and dizziness with your current treatment? Have you been offered any additional treatment to help with these side effects while you have been taking Trivenz?

  2. Makgosi

    Hi Ihave been to my Dr who wanted to change my treatment due the pain on the legs and the dizziness also because I have been on trivenz for more than 10years now ,but now i am so scared when i look at the side effects of the medication he wants to put me on which is Trizivir

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Patrick, how are you doing? Unfortunately i-base is UK based and I am unsure of access in SA. Were you signposted anywhere when you tested positive? or have you attended any local HIV clinics? TAC is a charity similar to i-base in SA which may be able to provide more suitable information: https://www.tac.org.za/

  4. Thembelani Patrick

    Where can I get ARV’s in Mpumalanga Secunda

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jerry, where are you based?

  6. Jerry

    i have hiv so our clinic due to further notice ,so can i buy med in pharmacy but i dont have medical aid

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Soletu, I am sorry to hear you have been dealing with a rude Sister. Have you been able to access your treatment?

  8. Soletu

    The thing is that the sister in the clinic they are very rud so u end up defolt

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jack, which STI were you diagnosed with? Adco-Emtevir is used to treat HIV or to prevent it. Though if it was being used for HIV it would not be given for 6 months. Have you had a HIV test?

  10. Jack

    The Dr diagnose me with sti (herbparthy)
    She prescribed me for Adco-Emtevir for six months treatment. Is this related with Hiv?


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