
Is it safe to take Luvigen when pregnant?

Is it safe to take Luvigen once pregnant?


Hi, how are you?

It is safe to take Luvigen while pregnant. Luvigen is a generic combination of Tenofovir DF, Lamivudine, and Dolutegravir Together known as TLD. There is a small increased risk of neural tube defects due to Dolutegravir, but TLD still remains first line management for women of child bearing age as recommended by UK and World Health guidelines.

In the UK it is recommended that women supplement their ART with Folic Acid to reduce the risk of neural tube defects, and do so for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Please ask if you have any further questions,



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thembie, yes it is safe to take while pregnant.

    It is is not true that it causes damage to the spinal cord. It was thought that taking Luvigen could increase the risk of spinal cord problems, however when compared to the general population not taking this treatment, there was no difference in how often this occurred.

    This means taking Luvigen will not increase the likelihood of baby having problems with their spinal cord.

    Have you spoken with your doctor about what prenatal vitamins you can take?

  2. Thembie

    Hi I’m 2months pregnant and taking the luvigen tablets is it safe for the baby how true is it that it damages the foetus spinal cord. Others say the baby’s head will be full of water. Confused and stressed please help me out

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Precious, congratulations on having a baby. Yes it is safe to take Luvigen while breastfeeding. All HIV medication is safe to be taken while pregnant and breastfeeding.

  4. Precious

    I am breastfeeding is it safe to take luvigen

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zama, congratulations on your pregnancy. Yes it is safe to take Luvigen while pregnant. Taking Luvigen is the best way to keep both you and baby healthy.

  6. Zama

    I am pregnant and they gave me luvigen is it safe for me to take it?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Quee, it is great that your are on Luvigen. Luvigen will help keep you healthy. Taking Luvigen will not negatively impact your fertility. There are a number of factors that can influence fertility and getting pregnant. Are you in contact with your nurse/doctor about what you can do to help improve your chances?

  8. Quee

    I’m on luvigen how many chances to fall preg coz I’m trying for over 6 months

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nonhlanhla, Luvigen can be taken in the morning. This is too avoid having difficulty sleeping – some people report this if they take the medication in the evening. It should be taken at the same time every day and you can take it with or without food.

    There are a few things to consider when taking Luvigen but these are listed here: Luvigen is a generic version of TLD. This means it has been made by a specific manufacturer but it contains the same drugs and will work the same way.

  10. Nonhlanhla

    How do I take my luvigen


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