Q and A


Is Reydin safe to use while pregnant?

My doctor recently changed the ARV I was suing to Reydin. Is it safe to use Reydin while pregnant?


Hi Mavis, how are you doing? Congratulations on the pregnancy.

Reydin is a first line ARV for pregnant woman. It is recommended by UK and WHO guidelines. It is safe to use in pregnancy.

Reydin is a combination of 3 medications. It does contain Dolutegravir which is associated with a small increased risk of neural tube defects. A small risk.

In the UK it is recommended that women take a folic acid supplement for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy to reduce this risk. Speaking to the doctor who prescribed the medication cam help explain why your ARV was changed.

If you want to know anything else please ask,



  1. Raycha

    Hi Doc , I recently had intercourse with my baby father who I don’t trust and the condom broke, the Doctor gave me Reydin to use for a month as a preventative measure, but I am breastfeeding. Will this be safe for my baby and also what are the chances of her getting infected with the virus while on this treatment “ that’s if I got the virus . I am hiv negative and I’ve been since. Please help as I don’t want my baby to get infected through breast milk while still on this treatment. Also will he get side effects of Reydin through breast milk? Please help . Today is the first day I started taking the treatment, the incident happened two days ago

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Koketso, Reydin is a generic version of TLD. Any form of TLD will be the same – they have different names because they are made by different manufacturers: https://i-base.info/guides/12423

    Are there any side effects you are worried about? TLD is generally well tolerated by people and people often do not experience side effects.

  3. Koketso

    Please assist me. Just recently found out my status was on TLD now changed to genetic Reydin. After reading the after effects I’m really nervous

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sunny, have you asked your mum about these tablets?

  5. Sunny

    Hello,so I have seen a tablet called Atroiza in a cupboard of my mums and now I see Reydin ,please explain why will these tablets be taken?

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Karen, what was the name of your previous medication? Tenofovir would have only been a part of your medication as HIV medications use a combination of 3 drugs.

    Switching medication is safe and Reydin is a more modern combination. Reydin is generic version of TLD – it still contains tenofovir. It is also possible that you have not been switched but given the same medication made by a different manufacturer. This is shown here: https://i-base.info/guides/12423

  7. Karen

    Hie Josh,I’m 39 yrs old female. I was using Tenofovir ARV past 10yrs, then today was my appointment they change my medication to Reydin tables so I want to know I’m still safe or what? It’s not dangerous for mie

  8. David

    Hi Josh long time I’m still doing fine after my PEP tests negative no sign of anything I’m on six months now thanks

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi David, please see Q1 here:

    All your questions are already answered online.

    Please read some of the links we sent earlier.

  10. David

    Hi Josh trust you are well is about 224 days after my PEP and I was negative now I’m felling symptoms of flu and headache I’m I still safe? is advisable to go for STD testing after BJ or it is not necessary?


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