Can I sometimes breastfeed if my baby is on ARV’s?
15 December 2021. Related: All topics, Children, HIV transmission, Southern Africa.
Hi, my baby is one month old and he’s on Nevirapine and Zodovodine. He’s on formula, can I sometimes breastfeed him? I’m also taking medication for HIV and I’m undetectable.
Hi, how are you?
Congratulations on your new baby. The WHO guidelines do recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life. Though if you have exclusively been using formula since birth, switching would be best discussed with a doctor.
As good practise, ARV reduces the risk of transmission to baby in the context of mixed feeding. Your status as undetectable will greatly reduce this risk. With both you and baby on ARV’s, mixed feeding is very unlikely to risk transmission. Do you have a reason for why you’d like to mix feed?
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