Q and A


Does PEP cause testicular pain?

I’m having mild pain in both testes while on PEP, especially after an erection. I’m taking Truvada and Dolutegravir.

Is it possible that the PEP might be the reason behind the pain? The pain is leading me to question if I should continue taking every dose of PEP.


Hi, how are you?

Sorry to hear about your pain. Have you mentioned this to a doctor. Neither Truvada or Dolutegravir have been associated with testicular pain. Emtricitabine in Truvada has been shown to cause pain, but not in a specific region. The likelihood of this being caused by PEP is less given how it worsens with an erection.

For PEP to be effective it is important you take it every day as instructed for the length of the. course. If PEP is the cause of this pain, remember that PEP is not long-term and the course will soon be over. If you are concerned you will be best to speak to a doctor about your ideas and discuss how to manage it.

Send in any other questions you may have,



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lucas, it is great that your doctor wants to report it. This will help determining if there is a link between PEP and testicular pain.

  2. Lucas

    Hi everyone!
    I’m from France and I thought nobody excepted me has those symptoms. Same as Brad and Ollie, the skin of my right testicle and going down on the back of my right leg, feels like a burning pain, very unconfortable. My doctor wants to report it.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Walter, though there have been other men also recording that they experience similar pain to yourself, there still remains no proven link between PrEP and this type of pain. Currently this remains only a correlation and no cause and effect has been seen. For this reason PrEP is still not considered a cause and should not prevent you from taking PrEP in the future. If it does, using a condom will also prevent transmission.

    Pain is not an uncommon symptom and there can be other shared traits you have with the other men experiencing this pain. The type of sex you are having before noticing this pain, age and possible infections. Have you noticed any other symptoms e.g., rashes, fevers or urinary problems?

  4. Walter

    Exactly the same for me I have tried prep twice now several months apart and both times I have had sharp pain between my anus and testicles and extreme sensitivity it comes in waves and is extremely discomforting only way to stop it is to sit in a warm bath. There is defintely a rare side effect with prep that causes localised pain like this as three people are reporting the exact same thing .. this sadly means I just won’t be able to take prep

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Songz, PrEP and PEP are different medications. This means it cannot be the same drug causing testicular pain.

    For this reason it would suggest there is another cause for this localised testicular pain. There is no evidence to suggest HIV medications can cause isolated pain in the testes.

    Have you noticed any other symptoms e.g., swelling, discharge, rashes or fever? and is this a feeling you have experienced before?

  6. Songz

    Like Brad. I started taking PREP. and after about two hours after taking the pill exactly the same pain started, it’s such a harsh pain.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ollie, had you noticed this pain before starting PEP? and have you noticed any other symptoms e.g., fever, lumpbs, rashes, redness?

    As mentioned in the answer to the main question, PEP will not cause isolated pain in this region. Also have you have only just started, it is suggestive that something else may be the cause of your pain. Have you gone to see a doctor?

  8. Ollie

    I have the same symptoms as brad… painful on testicle area… like a buring sensation including the area between the bum and scrotum… and i only take two tabs one yesterday and one today…

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Brad, testicular pain is not a side effect of PEP. How long after starting treatment did you notice this pain?

  10. Brad

    I just started pep and got a burning pain in my testicular area it started right after I started pep I know is the medication it’s so painfull I have to stand to ease the pain abit and it’s a weekend and idk what to do any ideas


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