
How do I disclose my status?

I am newly diagnosed and have suffered depression. I have not disclosed to my family. I have been on medication for six months and I am undetectable. I have meet a young man but not sure he will stay if I disclose my status. I am torn about keeping silence and also anxious about his reaction.


Hi, how are you doing?

I am sorry to hear you have been depressed. This is quite common after finding about HIV status. How are you feeling now?

Fear and anxiety about disclosing your status is not uncommon. Many people in your situation will feel the same. This is a link to out disclosure Q&A. Maybe reading some other responses of people in the same situation will help.

Disclosure is very personal. You need to make sure you feel comfortable and are in a safe space. Perhaps being ready to answer questions when you do tell people will help. This is a link to a previous question that might help.

Good luck. If you have any other question please let us know. Remember that disclosing is your choice. If you are not comfortable, you do not need to.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Okoronkwo, are you already taking any medication? all HIV medication is safe to be taken during pregnancy. It is the best way to keep you and baby healthy and can reduce the risk of transmission to as low as possible.

    Please talk to your doctor about which medicines are recommended in your country.

    Do you know what your current CD4 count and viral load is?

  2. Okoronkwo

    What medince will I take as a pregnancy women that have hiv what drugs she will take is the la75 or other medince

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Okoronkwo, do you know your viral load and CD4 count? When on treatment, if you have a viral load below 200 there will be no risk of transmission to your partner. This is called U=U. It means that when treatment is suppressing HIV so much that it is impossible to pass on HIV via sex, even without a condom.


    This also makes risk to baby as a low as possible and baby can be given their own treatment for a short while after birth. Baby’s medication is explained here:

    Do you want to tell your partner your status? and do you think it would be safe to do so? Do you know how your partner feels about HIV?

  4. Okoronkwo

    What is I get pregnant with my boyfriend and he don’t that I have hiv positive and I’m drinking the medince will I still him , Please I need answers


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