
Can I mix feed after stopping my baby’s nevirapine?

Hi, my baby was given Nevirapine for six weeks and his result came back negative. I have been advised to give him Bactrim 5ml per day on the same time I was giving him Nevirapine. So now my question is can I give him both breastmilk and formula? Is he going to be okay and be negative?


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on your new baby. It’s good news that your son has now tested negative. It is still recommend that you do not mix feed. It is best to continue how you have been feeding him previously.

Bactrim is an antibiotic. It is different to Nevirapine. Nevirapine will have been used in the early stages of life to reduce the risk of him becoming HIV positive. Bactrim is now be used to prevent certain infections that both you and he may be at risk of. It is a good sign that he has stopped Nevirapine now. This means that there is a very low risk and he is healthy.

If you have another question please ask,



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lillie, congratulations on having a baby. How long was baby having nevirapine the first time? and are you on treatment yourself/do you know your viral load?

    Nevirapine is usually only recommended to be taken for the first 4-6 weeks of life. After this it is rare to have continued benefit from treatment. Restarting nevirapine after a break will not help to reduce the risk of transmission to baby. Who gave you the second suspension of nevirapine? and did they say for how long to take it?

    How is baby being fed? and if they are being breastfed are they also taking a medication called co-trimoxazole? This can help prevent other infections that baby might be at risk of while breastfeeding.

  2. Lillie

    Hi I’m treatment so my baby was given nevirapien suspension but it got finished and was never taking it for a month and was given it again when he was 2 months so can he infected

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zeza, how old is baby and are they being breast or formula feeding?

    Baby can be mixed fed after the age of 6 months. Before 6 months it is still early to give baby solids.

  4. Zeza

    Is giving my baby solids mix feeding?