I missed a dose of PEP.
2 January 2022. Related: Adherence, All topics, PEP/PEPSE.
Hi. I am taking PEP and I forgot to take my pill at the exact time I always take it. I remembered in 8 hrs and took the pill. Can I continue to take my pill the exact time I always take it? And does this reduce my chances of not getting HIV? Please help.
Hi, how are you doing?
Yes you can continue to take PEP at the usual time you do.
Although it is better to not miss any meds, if you do forget once or twice, this is unlikely to make much difference. Especially if these are doses towards the end of the month.
While it is not advised, missing a dose by a few hours is unlikely to cause a problem. PEP remains in the body for more than 24 hours. As you remembered tot take PEP, the levels within your body would have stayed at a biologically significant level.
Please see this link for more information about PEP:
If you have another question please ask,
Hi Frank, what have you been prescribed this for? Is this for PrEP, treatment or PEP? In most cases a minimum of 2 drugs is used.
I was prescribed lamivudine comprimes USP to be taken once daily ,would it work as i realized that’s not the complete medication..
Hi William, it will still be effective. As long as you continue taking PEP every day it will remain effective. If you do not have another pill to make 28 days, 27 days will remain effective.
I accidentally took my pep medications twice on the 3rd day of my 28 days. It was 4 hours apart. Will it still be effective in fighting hiv or did I mess up the regimen?
Hi Chops, Raltegravir should be taken twice a day if the dose is 400 mg. This is the dose usually used for PEP. It should be taken 12 hours apart. It would be suitable to take PEP in the morning at 7am and then the second dose of raltegravir at 7pm. As the times you have started PEP is similar to this it would be safe to change these times straight away.
Hi, I started pep yesterday and I took them at about 5. But today I had one of each tablet this morning and the second one at 7. Even though It says take raltegravir on the label two tablets once a day. I’m just wondering when is the best time to get back on a good schedule. And if I take them all tomorrow evening at about 5, will it effect it working.
Hi Veronicah, pls see this answer to the main Q:
I have missed my pep for 2 days
Hi Tony, how far into your course of PEP are you?
Hi Josh I missed pep for a day will it still be effective?