
What are the side effects of TLD?

Hi guys, I recently had sex with someone who was HIV positive. The next day I went to the clinic and they gave me PEP. I am currently on TLD but I am experiencing a stuffy nose, dry mouth and sore throat. I have little red spots on my legs, like a rash I don’t know if this are side effects or not. Please help.


Hi, how are you?

All meds can cause mild or minor side effects in some people but not everyone will get these side effects. Most of the side effects listed with the drug information only affect a percentage of people who use these meds.

This means nearly every medicine has a daunting list of potential side effects, but in practice you are unlikely to get any or only one or two.

Please see this link for info on PEP including side effects:


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Simelane, most people find Renega (TLD) easier to take than Atroiza (TLE). The main difference is the Renega is better to take in the morning after you have slept.

  2. simelane

    I was taking Atroiza since 2016 and now I’ve changed to Ranega. Do I need to worry about any side effects?

  3. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Kabelo and many thanks for your question.

    I am very sorry to hear you are experiencing these symptoms.

    Your symptoms may or may not be linked to meds.
    It’s rare for side effects to get worse after six months but has happened before.

    Did something happen in June?
    Did you take any other medication or did anything else change in your life?

    It would also be helpful for us to understand why you changed your medication.
    Sometimes knowing the previous therapies and conditions before an ARV switch provides information about treatment options.

    Sometimes finding an alternative treatment without changing very much your previous one (especially if you didn’t have side effects on it) can help limit your side effects.
    Here is some more information about this:

    What has your doctor said about it?
    It’s important to tell your doctor as your symptoms seem to affect your daily life.

    They could also be caused by other reasons, besides your medication, and it is a coincidence that they were noticed at the time of switch. Or even that switching made any previous symptoms stand out.

    Your doctor needs to know so they can look into why this is happening to you.

    The more information you offer, the better they can understand why it’s happening.
    A good way to do that is to keep a diary and include any symptoms with a rating
    (give a number to your symptom based on how strong it is – for example: 1 for almost no pain to 10 pain that you cannot tolerate, or are unable to walk or 1 for no nausea and 10 for mounting, cannot eat at all)

    Here is some more information:

    If you would like to continue this discussion in private please feel free to e-mail us at

  4. Kabelo

    I switched to dolutegravir, lamivudine, zidovudine last year November.
    I had mild symptoms that worsened in June,July August up to now.
    Abdominal pain, dry mouth, sore throat, anxiety, chest muscle spasm, confusion,hip pain, right shoulder pain, stuffy nose, headache, chest tightness, swallowing pain. What should I do?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Chris, thanks, this isn’t a reported side effect. Many other things can affect how someone feels about sex though, so perhaps trying to talk about these might help. Pls also see this info here:

  6. Chris

    Hi my wife is on ARVs for a long time,now she is on TLD and she seems to have low sexual drive, does the drug cause low libido in female?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Lydia, thanks, please tell you husband to ask his doctor about this. Other treatment might be available. What has the doctor said so far?

  8. Lydia

    Hi my husband is on TLD for 5months now experiencing enlargement of breast and abdomen, it is possible to switch to another drug?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Francis

    This link covers everything about PrEP:

  10. Francis

    Hie Josh,

    I finished my PEP course 4 days ago but now I feel sharp pain in my thighs and left arm and occasional chest pains. Could these pains have any relation to the acute or first stages of infection? Should I be worried? Everything else feels normal.


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