
Can I stop PEP after low risk?

I recently had vaginal sex with sex worker on 3 Jan 2022. My condom broke during sex. We got worried and both of us got tested. My doctor advised me 28-day PEP course. We are both are HIV negative as per our baseline test results. My doctor advised we carry on with PEP as she may be in the window period. We did the 4th generation combo test. Can I stop my medicine or complete the full course?


Hi, how are you doing?

In the UK this would be considered a very low risk event. PEP would not have been offered. You have both tested negative. Even if this sex worker was in a window period, the risk of transmission would still be very small.

You have been prescribed PEP. But in this instance the risk is far too minimal to warrant the use of PEP.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:
