Q and A


Long term side effects from PEP.

I took PEP (Truvada and Isentress) five times in the last 10 years for 21 to 28 days each time. My doctor treated them as very safe and I suffer from anxiety, so it was prescribed after every situation of low risk with someone of unknown status. I’m a heterosexual male in my 40s, I have read the side effects which include bone density loss, kidney problems and even cancer from Isentress. Do you see those side effects could present in my case? Will these drugs affect my genetic material if I want to have kids? My kidneys are filtering 10% under average for my age but can’t prove that it wasn’t like that before taking these meds. Thank you for your help!


Hi, how are you doing?

The side effects you have mentioned are associated with these medications when on long-term use. Having 5 courses of 10 years is not going to lead to these complications. Your doctor was right to treat the course of PEP as safe.

During PEP side-effects are often noted to be short term and resolve when the course ends. There will have been no long-term effect to your genetic material. You are safe to have children.

Truvada is linked to kidney function loss. However, this is assessed long term and can present within 6 months of starting. In your case you were not on it longer than 28 days at a time. Are you aware of of any kidney problems you had before starting PEP? Filtering 10% under average does not indicate loss of function. As it’s an average many people will fall into the same bracket as you are are very healthy.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Frank, after 3 weeks of treatment it unlikely that this spot is related to PEP. If you are concerned please speak with your doctor about it.

  2. Frank

    I noticed the itch when it was after 3weeks and I have spot and rash on my stomach and chest only this 2 places and now am done with pep since Jan 8 , I only waxed my hair from my stomach and chest when I noticed the spot in my stomach

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Frank, after 4 days any side effects from PEP would be expected to have disappeared. How long after starting PEP did you notice this itch?

    As with any skin problems you should have this examined by a doctor. Has anything else changed recently that could have caused this itch e.g., other treatments, changes in clothes/products that you use on your skin, any bites, etc…?

  4. Frank

    I have stopped pep now for 4days and I still have itch on my stomach and chest , could it still be side effects and if it’s side effects how long before it stops , and I have been having this itch from the beginning of pep

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Matthew, when did the itching on your legs and stomach start? If this is a new symptom it is unlikely liked to PEP as your body would have adjusted by now. If these symptoms are still ongoing please speak with your doctor.

    For more information about PEP please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  6. Matthew

    I have been using pep for 25days now but I still have itches on my legs my laps and my stomach , also I have spots on my stomach , could it be pep sude effects still ?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Emmanuel, have you gone to speak with a doctor about these symptoms?

    As you have stared PEP it makes it unlikely that this fever has been caused by HIV.

    Testing and transmission: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  8. Emmanuel

    Hi. I’m taking PEP because I had sex with a HIV+ Person via receptive anal intercourse and I started experiencing symptoms like fever within 7 days of using it. Using paracetamol the fever isn’t breaking. It’s been on for three days but gets worse and does completely resolve at time. I live outside your country so I did a malaria rapid test and it was negative. Please what going on?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Joe, what is the name of the PEP you are taking? When did you first notice these symptoms? and when did you start taking PEP?

  10. Joe

    Does anyone have tooth aches or sensitive teeth while on PEP? I’m experiencing this.


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