Q and A


What are the side effects of Reydin?

Hi, my doctor gave me Reydin and I was drinking it at night at fist. My gums started bleeding and after that I had trouble concentrating. I also forget very easily. It is like I’m loosing my mind, what could be the problem?


Hi, how are you doing?

Reydin is a generic version of TLD. This link is to a previous question about all TLD side effects. Reydin does not cause bleeding gums. Have you mentioned this symptom to a doctor?

How are you sleeping at night? Reydin is often best tolerated when taken during the morning. It can cause problems sleeping. If this is the case it would explain why you are having trouble concentrating.

If you have any further questions do get in touch,



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mogorodu, Reydin is a generic version of TLD. This combination is recommended to be taken in the morning instead of at night.

    TLD (Reydin) can cause problems sleeping when taken closer to bedtime. This is avoided by taking it in the morning instead. It is not expected that everyone will experience problems sleeping and if taking Reydin at night suits you better it is possible to try, but you do need to be aware that it might cause problems sleeping.

    If you take Reydin at night and it causes no problems, you would not need to consider switching and it would be safe to continue taking Reydin in the evening.

  2. Mogorodu

    Can I drink Reydin for the fist time in the evening

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gordon, what is the name of the medication you are taking?

    And after how long of starting this medication did you notice the pain in your knees?

  4. Gordon

    I am experiencing pain on my knees. Can this be the cause of this medication?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Alwaba, please speak with your doctor about this. As you are have both HIV and meningitis any changes in symptoms needs to be addressed by a medical professional.

  6. Alwaba

    Am on Arvs,and also tested positive in menengitis…They gave Fluconazole for treatment now im suddenly coughing and haveva fever…should i be worried about this or it will dissappear as am continuing with a treatment

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Busi, how soon after starting Reydin did you notice this pain? and is it still present?

    As this pain is invovling your spinal cord as well please go to a doctor to be examined. It is unlikely that this is the result of Reydin as it does not caused isolated pain.

    Do you have any other symptoms e.g., fever, back pain, changes in urination etc…?

  8. Busi

    Hi my kidnery too much pain after using reydin legs spinal cord painful

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Asanda, have you used any treatment previously? and have you noticed any other itching along with this itching e.g., rashes, fever, colour changes etc…?

    As with all skin changes you need to speak to your doctor about this itching. They can determine if Reydin is the cause. Itching along is not a known side effect but skin reactions are quite common.

    Usually the side effects present early on in treatment and will improve over time as your body adjusts. If the itching continues/impacts daily activities, you can speak with your phamarcist if they are able to offer suggestions and if not then your doctor.

  10. Asanda

    Hi i have 1week using reydin bt in ths past 2days i’m having itchy body….shoul i continue using it immediately or i shoul wait maybe it will stop


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