Q and A


What are the side effects of Reydin?

Hi, my doctor gave me Reydin and I was drinking it at night at fist. My gums started bleeding and after that I had trouble concentrating. I also forget very easily. It is like I’m loosing my mind, what could be the problem?


Hi, how are you doing?

Reydin is a generic version of TLD. This link is to a previous question about all TLD side effects. Reydin does not cause bleeding gums. Have you mentioned this symptom to a doctor?

How are you sleeping at night? Reydin is often best tolerated when taken during the morning. It can cause problems sleeping. If this is the case it would explain why you are having trouble concentrating.

If you have any further questions do get in touch,



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Ntombifuthi, Reydin is a generic version of TLD and the ‘D’ stands for dolutegravir.

    It is a really good HIV combination and is recommended by WHO as first ART globally.

    However, the ADVANCE study in South Africa reported that African women were at a higher risk of weight gain. It is not clear how to reverse these changes other than by diet and exercise, but using a different combination might help.

    What does your doctor say about these changes? Please talk to them if you haven’t already. This also means that your doctor can monitor you more closely.

    Technically, the weight isn’t being moved around your body. It might be being lost in some areas and increasing in others.

  2. Ntombifuthi

    Hi I started taking Reydin and see some changes on my body like fat redistribution from lower body to upper body. What can I do or use to stop that. Please help

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sanah, Reydin does not cause weight loss. How much fat have you lost in your face? and have you taken any other treatment in the past?

  4. Sanah

    I started taking reydin 3months ago. I’m loosing facial fat drastically and I have lost my self esteem, I can’t even socialize like before. Can this be reversed?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sebastian, it is good to hear that you do not have any side effects. How much weight have you put on? and is this something you are concerned by?

  6. Sebastian

    I have now taken Raden during the day and i have no side effects at all and have put on a bit of weight

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Luleka, Reydin is recommended to be taken in the morning because it can sometimes cause problems sleeping. This is the not the case with all people and it is safe to take Reydin in the evening. Just be aware that there is some risk that it will impact on your sleep.

  8. Luleka

    Is there any problem if you take reydin at night? Because I can not remember to take in the morning because of apresuer when I busy prepered to at work

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lindiwe, Reydin does not cause weight loss. It is actually known to cause weight gain. Have you lost weight anywhere else? and has anything else changed in your life that could cause weight loss e.g., increased exercise, stress or eating less?

  10. Lindiwe

    Hi started taking reydin a month ago i have noticed loss of fat in my face.


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