Q and A


I finished PEP. Now I have symptoms?

3 days after finishing PEP I am having stomach pain and diarrhoea.


Hi, how are you doing?

Side effects from PEP would present while taking PEP. Now that you have finished taking PEP these symptoms would not be caused by your medication.

It is also too early for this to be a sign of seroconversion. A number of things can cause stomach pain and diarrhoea. PEP and HIV are not likely in this case. If your symptoms continue/worsen it is important you seek medical help.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ken, becoming ill while on/after PEP does not mean these are symptoms of seroconversion. As you have been on PEP it makes it very unlikely that your symptoms are related to HIV. While on PEP testing would give inaccurate results. The earliest you can test is 6 weeks after your last dose using a 4th generation test. This result will be conclusive.

  2. Ken

    My name is ken, My condom pulled whiles we were having sex I became very worried and asked her to follow me to lab so I find out ,we got tested and she was positive and I was placed on Pep 6hours after exposure including Vitamin C and immune booster and through out the 30days I took the meds Religiously ,though I was stooling while on the pep meds,

    Now a week after pep I had to test a again and it’s negative but I’m still worried cos I do have fever , yesterday I woke up with this pain in my throat which has disappeared now and I’m seeing about 4 rashes on my shoulders. Could that be possible that I’m having the symptoms already ?

    Could it be that the medicines didn’t work ?

    I am waiting for another test by the End of the month . That will make it 6weeks

    I am super worried

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jose, becoming ill while on PEP does not mean these are symptoms of seroconversion. As you are on PEP it makes it very unlikely that your symptoms are related to HIV. While on PEP testing would give inaccurate results. The earliest you can test is 6 weeks after your last dose using a 4th generation test. This result will be conclusive.

  4. Jose

    I know that it’s better to see a doctor than to search online but I can’t make an appointment yet and I’m very worried. I’ve been taking PEP for 24 days now but three days ago I experienced tonsillitis, fever, and a headache. I’ve read that early HIV doesn’t have cough or sneezes so I’m worried because I don’t have those symptoms either. All I want is peace of mind but I’m not sure if getting tested now would show a real result, specially because I have symptoms.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lucas, as you have been on PEP it means that your current symptoms are very unlikely to be caused by HIV. PEP will not prevent other more common infections that can also cause these symptoms. It is also that being stressed about HIV can contribute to your current health.

    It is a great sign that you have already tested negative. To confirm your result you will need a test 6 weeks after the last dose of PEP using a 4th generation test. In the meantime if your symptoms do not get better or become worse, please speak to a doctor.

  6. Lucas

    Hello, MAY I PLEASE RECEIVE FEEDBACK I finished pep yesterday but throughout the 28 days i have been on and off having feever,headaches and tiredness at the moment i have diarrhea and i finished taking my pep pills yesterday today as i was taking a shower i found a small lump in my armpit and two on my groin im so scared my thoughts are not safe. I took a home HIV test and it tested negative but I am seeing some symptoms of SERO..

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Leon, please see this factsheet which includes information about early symptoms on PEP:

  8. Leon

    I completed pep 6 days ago so far I have experienced muscle pains and loss of appetite could it be signs of seroconversion?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nelly, no this does not mean PEP has failed. PEP only helps to prevent HIV, it does not protect you from other infections/illnesses. It is still normal to get ill even if you have just finished PEP. These symptoms can also be caused by the stress and fear around HIV and testing. The only way to know if PEP has been successful is to test. You can test as early as 6 weeks after your last dose of PEP using a 4th generation antigen/antibody test.

  10. Nelly

    Hi’i took pep doze,and all my long with the doze I was just okay,,, as I finished pep doze,four days later am experiencing neck pain, muscle pain, headache,no appetite, tiredness, sweating..is it that pep failed me


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