
Can I stop PEP early?

Hello, I am currently on a 28 day course of PEP. I am curious as to if I can stop early to keep a few pills of each, for if this ever happens again (it was hard and took FOREVER to get this prescription). I was thinking of either stopping at day 21 or day 25. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Leo, how are you doing?

Stopping PEP early might reduce how effective it is at working. As such it would not be recommended to do what you are suggesting, especially at day 21. Stopping at day 26, like as suggested in this post is not likely to cause harm and does have some benefit.

Have you considered PrEP? On-demand dosing does not require daily meds.

This can also stop you needing PEP.

This is a link to using on-demand PrEP.

Please see this link for more information about PrEP:

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Missy, starting PEP within 72 hours is effective. Please see here for more information:

  2. Missy

    I had unprotected sex and I’m unaware of the status of my one night stand. He pulled out. I went to ER 64 hrs later and they started me on PEP. Did I wait too long to start the meds. Are my chances high if he pulled out. I’m freaking out!!!

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Stay-safe, taking a test so soon after PEP/exposure will not give an accurate result. Though as your partner is HIV negative and on PrEP there was no risk of HIV transmission. You do not require a test.

  4. Stay_safe

    I stopped taking pep after 6 days, the person I was with said they were HIV- and on PREP, so I discontinued. I took an HIV RNA test 5 days after, how reliable will that test be if I took PEP for 6 days?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Babzo, PEP needs to be taken for the full course. Usually this is a course of 28 days. Stopping earlier will mean that PEP will not be effective and it is much less likely to work, if at all.

  6. Babzo

    Morning pls my friend has been on PEP for 2 weeks now and he wants to know if he can stop at that level.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Bianca, while you are taking PEP there is no additional risk to you. This is because PEP will act as PrEP. After 6 days there is enough PEP in your body to protect against any further possible exposures during the course.

  8. Bianca

    Hey I have been on pep for 6 days now,but and I met with a HIV+ yesterday without protection is there any chances of being infected whilest taking pep

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Leo, yes it will still be effective. As it is difficult to effectively research the time required to be on a course of PEP, a 28 day course has been recommended as an arbitrary value balancing benefit and risk. Stopping a few days early is unlikely to lessen the effectiveness of PEP.

  10. Leo

    Than you for your reply Josh ! I think I will go ahead and stop at day 26 so I have some handy in the future ! So it will still be effective if I stop at day 26 ?