Q and A


Will Trenvir work a second time as PEP?

I have once again had unprotected sex and given Trenvir pills to take again, will it work again?


Hi, how are you?

Yes, PEP will work again. Repeating a course of PEP will not reduce how effective it is.

Although Trenvir (and similar brands with the same active drugs) is still used in some countries, this combination has never been approved for PEP in the UK. This is because one of the drugs called efavirenz has difficult side effects.

Most countries should now be changing to use PEP that uses dolutegravir instead of efavirenz.

Have you talked to a doctor about PrEP? This only uses two HIV meds and it very effective at stopping HIV. It will also help reduce anxiety and keep you safe.

Both on-demand (2:1:1) and daily dosing options are available for different people in different situations. This link will explain more about PrEP.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mary, HIV treatment cannot make you HIV positive.

  2. Mary

    Hi. Can taking trenvir while HIV negative make you HIV positive?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Siba, Trenvir is an antiviral medication used to treat HIV.

    More information about Trenvir can be found here: https://i-base.info/guides/1561

  4. Siba

    Is trenvir only for HIV

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mike, no you can’t. Trenvir is not PrEP.

    The 2-1-1 system is only used for on-demand PrEP. This is most often Truvada.

    Trenvir is a treatment used for HIV and needs to be taken daily by someone HIV positive. It is not used to prevent HIV transmission.

  6. Mike

    Hi can I use Trenvir 200mg for the 2-1-1 system

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lucia, defaulting for 10 days means that there is time for viral load to rebound. This can risk treatment no longer working (though this is rare).

  8. Lucia

    What happens is u default the trivenz for 10 days

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lucia, Truvada can be used as PEP. More commonly it is used alone as PrEP. While it can be used as PEP it would usually be given with a third drug, often this would be isentress.

  10. Lucia

    It’s truvada a pep


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