Q and A


Will Trenvir work a second time as PEP?

I have once again had unprotected sex and given Trenvir pills to take again, will it work again?


Hi, how are you?

Yes, PEP will work again. Repeating a course of PEP will not reduce how effective it is.

Although Trenvir (and similar brands with the same active drugs) is still used in some countries, this combination has never been approved for PEP in the UK. This is because one of the drugs called efavirenz has difficult side effects.

Most countries should now be changing to use PEP that uses dolutegravir instead of efavirenz.

Have you talked to a doctor about PrEP? This only uses two HIV meds and it very effective at stopping HIV. It will also help reduce anxiety and keep you safe.

Both on-demand (2:1:1) and daily dosing options are available for different people in different situations. This link will explain more about PrEP.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Wandile, a course of PEP is usually 28 days. This should be started within 72 hours of the exposure. You can test from 6 weeks after your last dose of PEP. This will be using a 4th generation antigen/antibody test. At 6 weeks after PEP your result will be conclusive.

  2. Wandile

    How long should one take trenvil tabets after being exposed to a virus, and how do you know if the virus is cleared up?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Milton, these could be side effects of PEP or caused by stress and anxiety around HIV. While on PEP you would not expect symptoms of HIV because PEP will delay this until after you finish your course, if it has failed.

  4. Milton

    Hi ibase
    I’ve been on Trenvir for 3weeks and continuing and lately I’ve been experiencing body aches,side effects rather than leaving now there’s this…could it be Pep failing me or could it actually be a side effect I also tested on 22nd day and it was negative…please help to put my mind to ease

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nana, as your partner is on treatment it means that their viral load is suppressed. How long have they been taking Trenvir. In most people after 3 months their viral load will become undetectable. When this happens it is not possible for HIV to be transmitted. This is called U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  6. Nana

    If someone is taking Trenvir, and we are sleeping without protection how are the chances of me getting infected with HIV

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Andy, Trenvir is a HIV treatment and it is a generic version of Atripla. It is an ARV that is used to suppress HIV. It can also be used as PEP to prevent transmission after an exposure. More information on Trenvir can be found here: https://i-base.info/guides/1561

  8. Andy

    What is trenvir used for

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Paul, by defaulting/absconding do you mean you have not been taking your medication everyday? and how much weight have you lost? Chest pains should be investigated by your doctor. How long were you taking trenvir and how much weight did you gain? Trenvir contains efavirenz which is the medication that effects people’s weight. However this is more associated with weight loss rather than gain. Did anything else change in your lifestyle that could have lead to an increase in weight?

  10. Paul

    I have been taking tremvir for years whereby I gained a lot of weight. I started defaulting/ absconding for 6 months. I have suddenly lost weight developing chest pains and fever. Should I continue with trenvir


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