
Should I stop giving my baby co-trimoxazole when I stop breastfeeding?

Hi, my child is 6 weeks old and we were given co-trimoxazole suspension because i’m breastfeeding. I want to stop breastfeeding her, should i stop giving her the medicine while I use formula?


Hi, how are you?

Congratulations on having a baby.

Co-trimoxazole is an antibiotic. It is used to prevent infections. You should give this to baby even if you are not breastfeeding.

Are you intending to keep baby on formula only when you switch? Mixed feeding is not recommended until at least 6 months old. Is baby on any other medication like Nevirapine? If they are they should continue taking this as well for as long as the doctor has said.



  1. Fezile

    Hy, my baby is 10 weeks thdy gave her co-trimoxazole and she sge is taking nevirapine oral since she was born is it because she is HIV positive

  2. Josh Peasegood

    HI Precious, when baby is no longer breastfeeding there is no need for baby to be given co-trimoxazole. This is used to prevent infections that could occur from breast milk.

    Have you asked your doctor/nurse about when best to stop? How long ago did you stop breastfeeding?

  3. Precious

    Hey my baby is 17 months he has stopped breast feeding should I stop giving him co-tramoxazole

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Amie, what solids are you thinking about? Before 6 months it is still a little young to be giving baby solid food as their digestive system is still developing.

    It is also not recommended to mix feed before 6 months. This is because switching between the different types of feeds can irritate baby’s stomach and increase the risk of transmission.

    How is baby doing? Are they eating well and are they wetting/soiling their nappies normally? What makes you think your milk supply is low?

  5. Amie

    Hie! My baby is 4 months old now and on Cotri, and I’m thinking of giving her light solids because I feel like my milk supply is low. Is it a good idea

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Siphokazi, congratulations on having a baby. While baby is still young it is not recommended to add formula/food into her diet while she is still breastfeeding. This is because mixing between the 2 can irritate baby’s stomach and this can increase the risk of transmission.

    It is okay to start adding to baby’s diet after she turns 6 months. After this there is no increased risk of mixed feeding.

  7. Siphokazi

    Hi my baby she’s 7 weeks today they gave me resmed co-trimoxazole oral suspension because am breastfeeding. Is it a problem if I start giving her infants food like purity?? Will that change her status.

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Imani, congratulations on having a baby. How old is baby now? and are you on any treatment yourself/do you know your viral load?

  9. Imani

    I am still breastfeeding and my baby doesn’t take resmed suspension it safe

  10. Sandiswa

    Hy my baby is 6 months old now so we were given co- trimoxazole because am breastfeedin,I want to stop breastfeeding him should I stop giving him medicine because I want to give him formula?


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